Hope City Board Meeting Sees New Mayor, Vice Mayor

HOPE – The first City Board meeting took place Tuesday night and saw the election of a new mayor and vice mayor, as well as the swearing in of the new board members.
Steve Montgomery was elected Mayor and Don Still was elected Vice Mayor. They, as well as incoming board members Kiffinea Talley (returning), Reginald Easter and Dr. Trevor Coffee were all sworn in by Judge Tony Yocum. Mayor Montgomery briefly addressed the board and attendees, stating that he was ‘excited to be working with the board, City Manager and Department Heads.’
After approval of the December 20th board meeting minutes, City Manager Catherine Cook discussed the possibility of a public hearing on HW&L and the GridLiance program.
Ms. Cook announced that Hope Police Chief J.R. Wilson will be leaving for the FBI National Academy in Virginia next week. Chief Wilson thanked the board for the opportunity to attend and noted that the prestigious program has a post-application wait of three to four years. Assistant Chief Kim Tomlin will be in charge during the Chief’s absence.
Before adjourning, Ms. Cook reminded board members of the Arkansas Municipal League Winter Conference from January 11-13