Hope Advertising & Tourism Promotion Commission Meets

HOPE – The Hope Advertising and Tourist Promotion Commission met Thursday, January 19th.

First on the agenda was the nomination and approval of a new member, Trevor Coffee, who will also serve as Treasurer. Sharon Caldwell will be president of the commission.

The 2017 budget was approved without much discussion.

The commission was then updated on the opening for a Visitor’s Center/Museum/Depot/Main Street director. The deadline for applications is Monday, January 23rd; five applications had been received as of the date of the meeting.

Next was discussion on the purchase, prices and placements of two billboards advertising Hope. Placement on Interstate 30 near Hooks, Texas, on Interstate 49 between Shreveport and Texarkana as well as on Interstate 30, southbound, between Arkadelphia and Prescott were weighed. It was decided that more research was needed and the issue was tabled.

City Christmas decorations for 2017 were discussed briefly and additional research will be done on this also.

Before adjourning, it was noted that the Governor’s Conference on Tourism would be held March 12-14th, in Little Rock.

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