Livestock report



Hope Livestock Auction

Weighted Average Report for Thursday Feb 23, 2017


Cattle Receipts: 979           Last week: 879             Last year: 514


Compared to last week: Feeder steers under 400 lbs steady to 3.00 lower, over

400 lbs 3.00-6.00 higher. Feeder heifers 3.00-6.00 higher. Slaughter cows and

bulls steady to 2.00 higher.

Supply included 560 feeder calves; 259 yearlings; 10 replacement cows; 128

slaughter cows; 22 slaughter bulls. Feeder supply consisted of 38 percent

English and English crosses; 38 percent Exotic and Exotic crosses; 24 percent

Brahman and Brahman crosses. Feeder supply included 61 percent steers and

bulls; 39 percent heifers. Prices follow with weighted average price in


Please Note:

The below USDA LPGMN price report is reflective of the majority of classes and

grades of livestock offered for sale. There may be instances where some sales

do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will not be included in the

report. Prices are reported on a per cwt basis, unless otherwise noted.


Feeder Steers               Medium and Large 1

Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt   Price Range   Avg Price

14   300-345   322   175.00-195.00     183.58

13   350-395   372   165.00-177.00     171.33

27   400-445   420   160.00-175.00     166.99

15   450-495   470   155.00-167.00     159.34

23   500-545   517   145.00-163.00     153.23

24   550-595   567   140.00-150.00     143.35

13   600-645   618   135.00-145.00     139.83

7   650-675   665   130.00-133.00     131.30

2   710-735   723   122.00-127.00     124.46

2   755-790   773   120.00-123.00     121.47

Medium and Large 2

12   300-345   317   140.00-150.00     146.25

9   350-395   373   138.00-145.00     142.29

13   400-445   422   135.00-145.00     140.58

7   450-490   464   130.00-140.00     134.61

5   505-545   525   120.00-130.00     125.59


Feeder Heifers               Medium and Large 1

Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt   Price Range   Avg Price

6   310-340   330   150.00-160.00     155.99

11   350-390   366   145.00-160.00     150.47

13   400-440   422   140.00-150.00     143.64

18   450-495   470   135.00-145.00     139.27

35   500-545   519   127.00-137.00     131.78

16   555-590   571   125.00-134.00     129.67

10   600-630   615   122.00-127.00     124.80

4   655-690   669   123.00-125.00     123.96

5   700-725   715   115.00-120.00     117.62

3   775-790   783   112.00-117.00     114.67

Medium and Large 2

6   300-340   317   125.00-135.00     129.79

9   355-395   381   125.00-135.00     131.87

10   400-440   422   122.00-130.00     127.10

10   455-490   473   120.00-127.00     123.69

4   505-540   520   112.00-120.00     116.76

3   550-595   567   105.00-114.00    109.77


Feeder Bulls               Medium and Large 1

Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt   Price Range   Avg Price

8   455-485   473   145.00-153.00     149.02

10   500-545   532   126.00-143.00     134.40

15   555-595   575   120.00-130.00    126.13

10   600-645   625   120.00-125.00     123.69

7   650-695   675   115.00-120.00     117.74

5   720-745   734   110.00-115.00     114.02

2   755-775   765   106.00-112.00     108.96


Replacement Cows: Pre-tested for bangs; pregnancy; and age.

Medium and Large 1-2:

Age           Weight   Months Bred           Price

2-6 year old     950-1270   second & third stage 90.00-110.00

7-10 year old   900-1175   second & third stage 70.00-80.00

3-5 year old     800-1000   open grazing cows     86.00-105.00


Slaughter Cows:

%Lean   Weight   Average Dress High Dress     Low Dress

Breakers 75-80% 1200-1450 52.00-55.00

Boners   80-85%   950-1300 57.00-66.00   71.00         47.00-54.00

Lean     85-90%   900-1100 46.00-55.00

Light     85-92%   700-950   37.00-45.00


Slaughter Bulls:

Weight   Average Dress   High Dress     Low Dress

Y.G. 1-2 1000-2100 80.00-88.00     93.00           67.00-74.00


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