Largest Ever Soup & Sermon Held Today

HOPE – The largest crowd so far, over 100 people, filled the Parish Hall at Our Lady of Good Hope Catholic Church for “Soup and Sermon”, a Lenten program of the Hope/Hempstead County Ministerial Alliance.
At least a dozen churches were represented this week including Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Assembly of God, Latter Day Saints, Catholics and Episcopalians.
A half-dozen varieties of soup were prepared and served by the members of the First United Methodist Church. FUMC Pastor Rev. Steve Johnson brought the message.
Soup and Sermon is held each Wednesday through Lent at Our Lady of Good Hope Catholic Church with a different Ministerial Alliance minister providing the sermon. Soup and Sermon starts at 11:45am and the program is finished in time for everyone to get back to work at 1:00pm.
The public is welcome. Our Lady of Good Hope is located at Third and Walker Streets in Hope.