Hope School Board Meeting

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HOPE- The Hope Public School hosted a school board meeting tonight, May 30. After calling the meeting to order they held a private executive meeting to discuss filling the term position of Millie Green. Bubba Powers was appointed to fill the term position and will be sworn in during the boards next regularly scheduled meeting, Powers will be able to run for the position after this term is over.

A bid for a 2 year $36,000 insurance policy from the Dwight Jones Agency was approved, this is to go for students who participate in extra school activities. The Mosier Company bid was approved for the Beryl Henry Furniture, the bid was for the amount of $47,950. The summer school hires and the certified hires were approved with a 5:1 ratio from the school board members. Classified Hires were approved with a 5:5 ratio.

The school board members accepted the resignations from which included Mr. Steve Bradshaw from the District Transportation and Facilities, along with Ira Love. Superintendent Bobby Hart noted that both had been in the school system for 37 years and their services was appreciated.  They also approved the use of the school facilities to the Pentecostal Temple Church of God in Christ.

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