HCSO log
Vehicle Accident
On July 2, 2017 at approximately 1815 hours, Deputy Brown received a call regarding a vehicle that left the roadway and hit a tree, located in the 5200 block of Hempstead 3, in Hope.
Upon arrival he observed a 2003 blue Chevrolet Silverado on the side of the roadway with severe damage. The vehicle appeared to have left the roadway and strike a tree. The back glass was broken out, both air bags were deployed and severe front-end damage.
Deputy Brown made contact with the driver of the vehicle, Gary Smitherman, who appeared to have only minor injuries. Gary stated he was traveling down Hempstead 3, when he met a white car in the curve. Gary believed the vehicle was on his side of the road so he steered toward the ditch. Gary stated when he turned the wheel he heard something pop and he lost control of the vehicle. Gary stated his vehicle left the roadway and hit a tree.
Deputy McBride arrived on scene and assisted with traffic control once the wrecker arrived. Gary and the vehicle were released on scene.
Animal Complaint
On July 2, 2017 at approximately 9:30 a.m., Deputy Mc Bride was dispatched to 171 Hempstead 141 in reference to an animal complaint. Upon arrival, he made contact with Keith Kesterson. Keith stated that Donita Arnold moved out of the residence next door on July 1, 2017 at approximately 10:00 p.m. Keith stated that Donita left a dog and a pregnant cat.
Keith stated that Donita moved to Ashdown, Arkansas. Keith stated that he did not know if the dog would bite or not; and did not want to mess with it. Deputy Mc Bride attempted to make contact with Donita by phone at telephone number that was listed, but it is no longer her telephone number. Deputy Mc Bride then made contact with Ashdown Police Department to see if they could make contact with Donita.
On July 2, 2017 at approximately 4:15 a.m., Deputy Malone was dispatched to the 4400 block of Hempstead 21 in reference to a vehicle parked in the middle of the road. Upon arrival, he saw a silver Mercury Grand Marquis sitting in the South bound lane. The driver’s side tires were partially on the yellow center line of the roadway.
Deputy Malone then attempted to make contact with the male sleeping in the driver’s seat. Deputy Malone attempted numerous times to wake the male subject up. At that point Deputy Malone was able to wake the subject, later identified as William Draper. While speaking with William, Malone could smell a strong odor of an intoxicant coming from his person.
Deputy Malone asked William where he was coming from. William stated that he was at a wedding at Grand View in Columbus, Arkansas. Williams speech was slurred while speaking with him. I asked William for his driver’s license and to step out of the vehicle.
At this time, I made contact with William and asked if he could perform standard field sobriety test. William stated that he could. I asked William if he had any medical conditions that would prevent him from completing the test. William failed all three tests.
Deputy Malone then took William into custody and transported him to the Hempstead County Detention Center. William submitted to a breath test on the B.A.C.
After taking the breath test, William’s results were .127, William was booked for for Driving While Intoxicated, with a court date of August 7, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
Parole Violation/ Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
On July 2, 2017 at approximately 0300 hours, while was patrolling the 900 block of S. Edgewood Street, when Deputy Brown observed a black 2005 Chevrolet Malibu commit the traffic violation of No Turn Signal, in violation of Arkansas code 27-51-403, at the intersection of Henry C. Yerger and S. Edgewood Street, in Hope, Arkansas.
Brown activated his emergency lights to conduct a traffic stop on the above vehicle. After activating my emergency lights, the vehicle continued traveling south on Edgewood for four Moore blocks. The vehicle attempted to make a right turn onto 14th street, then turned left into a private driveway where the vehicle came to a stop.
Immediately after the vehicle came to a stop, the passenger Deputy Brown knew to be Allen Cox exited the vehicle and began walking towards my patrol unit. Deputy Brown made contact with Allen and he began talking about things that made no sense. Allen was sweating heavily, talking very fast and appeared to be very nervous. Brown asked Allen who was driving the vehicle and he stated Richard Hiscott. Allen immediately advised that Hiscott had a warrant for his arrest.
Deputy Brown made contact with the driver of the vehicle, Richard Hiscott. and had the police dispatcher run an ACIC/NCIC query on Richard. The query revealed that Richard had a parole warrant with the Arkansas Board of Parole. Once the warrant was confirmed, Richard was placed under arrest for a parole violation. Officers also located a glass pipe commonly used to ingest methamphetamine on the ground next to Cox.
Allen and Richard were both transported to the HCSO. Richard and Allen were turned over to the on-duty jail staff for booking. Richard will be held on a parole violation and will be held for the Arkansas Board of Parole. Allen was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and will be held for 1st court appearance.
Electric Lines and Pole Down Blocking Roadway
On July 1, 2017 at approximately 1624 hours, Deputy Malone was dispatched to the 3500 block of Highway 355 South in Fulton, in reference to power lines and poles that had fallen across the roadway.
Upon arrival he observed two electrical line poles were down across the roadway with electrical lines also blocking the road. Deputy Malone contacted dispatch and advised them to contact the electric company for that section of the County, and advise them that they had lines down in the road. I diverted traffic onto Mc Nab Loop around the debris while awaiting REA.
A representative from REA arrived on scene, Eric Shelley. Eric started working on the electrical lines. While I continued to divert traffic onto Mc Nab Loop until they were able to get the roadway clear.
Possession of Firearm by Certain Person (Felon)
On July 1, 2017 at approximately 2230 hours, Deputy Brown received a call from the police dispatcher regarding Steven Parrish being in a verbal dispute with his mother, Sandra Tompkins while possessing a firearm, located at 902 Hempstead 52, in Hope, Arkansas.
Upon arrival officers met with Sandra who stated her son, Steven Parrish was into an argument with a person on the phone, over some money. Sandra stated that Steven was yelling, cursing and using the F-bomb a lot, so she closed the door to her bedroom because she does not like those kinds of words.
Sandra stated Steven came into her room, did not say a word and grabbed the shotgun under her bed. Sandra stated Steven walked outside and said if that person comes on this property he was going to kill him. Sandra advised Steven that he did not have any business with that shotgun and they got into an argument over it. Steven was yelling and stated he had the right to protect his family and property at all cost, and was not afraid to go to prison over that. Sandra stated during their argument over the gun, Steven put the barrel of the gun underneath his chin and stated “I will do it, I will do it”. Sandra said to Steven, no you will not. Steven then pushed the gun into Sandra’s arms and she contacted the Sheriff’s Office.
Steven Parrish who is currently on Parole was arrested for possession of firearm by certain person.
Steven was transported to the HCDF where he was charged with possession of firearm by certain person. He was turned over to the on-duty jail staff for booking process. Steven will be held for a 1st court appearance.
Power Lines and Pole Blocking Highway
On July 1, 2017 at approximately 1730 hours, Deputy Brown received a call from the police dispatcher regarding Arkansas State Police needing assistance with traffic control, located in the 6900 block of Highway 278 W, in Hempstead County, Arkansas.
Upon arrival Deputy Brown observed a power line pole partially blocking the roadway. he assisted Arkansas State Police with traffic control until the electric company arrived on scene. Once the electric company arrived on scene, the roadway was cleared.
Terroristic Threatening / Civil Matter
On July 1, 2017 at approximately 12:32 p.m., Deputy Mc Bride was contacted by Officer Jennifer Ghormley on the radio in reference to a Terroristic threatening that occurred at 2604 West Avenue B. Officer Ghormley stated that she was flagged down by James Braggs.
Deputy McBride met Officer Ghormley and James on West Avenue B. James stated that he went to talk to an individual about a lawn mower that he purchased in March. James stated that he pulled out a receipt for the cost of the parts for the lawn mower. James stated that the person pulled a shotgun on him. James stated that the person told him “if you don’t get your monkey ass out of here then I’m going to shoot you.” James stated that he went and got into his car. James stated that John told him “if I see you again I’m going to kill you.
While speaking with James, the person came from behind a privacy fence talking on his phone. Mc Bride made contact with the person at that time.
The person stated that he received a phone call from James at approximately 12:23 p.m. saying that he was in the driveway. The person stated that James pulled out a receipt and demanded the money back on the lawn mower. The person stated that James purchased the lawn mower approximately three or four months ago for approximately five hundred dollars. The person stated that he told James “to get the f**k off his property.” John stated that he and James started arguing and threatening each other. John stated that he told James he was calling the police and James left.
The Person stated that he wanted James banned from his property and did not want James to come back. Deputy McBride advised James that the person did not want him back on his property was not welcome on the property. Deputy Mc Bride advised the person he needed to go through small claims court for the civil issues with the lawn mower.
James appeared to be physically shaken from the incident. James stated that he would never be back to the property. James stated that he would go to the court house and go through the legal system over the lawn mower at this time. The Criminal Complaint of Terroristic Threatening is still under Investigation.
Drug Arrest/Possession of Paraphernalia
On July 1, 2017 at approximately 0130 hours, Deputy Brown was patrolling the area of W. Ave C and Andres Street when he observed a silver 2004 Toyota Camry bearing back out of a residence in the 200 block of Andres Street. When the driver of the vehicle saw me sitting at the stop sign, it immediately pulled into the very next driveway. When the vehicle pulled into the driveway the window was halfway down and Deputy Brown observed a male subject he knew as, Derek Rider, driving the vehicle. Deputy Brown knew Derek had a suspended driver’s license.
Deputy Brown pulled behind Derek and he immediately exited the vehicle and walked toward my patrol unit. Brown made contact with Derek and he began to carry on a conversation with the deputy. Deputy Brown asked Derek what he was doing at this residence, because the area was a high narcotic trafficked area. Derek stated he was just visiting a friend. Deputy Brown asked Derek if he knew the person who lived at the residence where he pulled into and Derek stated no.
While speaking with Derek, Deputy Brown observed a black male he knew as Walter Nabors walking around the residence that Derek was previously at. Deputy Brown asked Walter to come speak with him and he complied. Deputy Brown asked Walter what he was doing on the side of the residence and he stated nothing. Walter immediately wanted to speak with me privately. Deputy Brown knew Walter was on parole, under active supervision and there was a search waiver on file.
Deputy Brown asked Walter if he had anything illegal on his person and he stated no. Deputy Brown asked Walter if he could search him to make sure and Walter stated yes. When Deputy Brown searched Walter’s front right pocket, he located a clear pipe commonly used for consuming methamphetamine.
At that time, Walter was placed under arrest for possession of drug paraphernalia. Deputy Brown continued to search and located a crystal-like substance believed to be methamphetamine inside Walter’s wallet wrapped in a piece of paper.
Deputy Brown began speaking with Derek again. Brown asked Derek if anyone else was inside the vehicle. Deputy Brown asked Derek if he had anything illegal on his person and he stated no. I asked Derek if I could check to make sure there was nothing illegal on his person, because he has been arrested in the past couple of months for selling narcotics.
Derek stated he did not have anything illegal on him and that Brown could search. Sgt. Oller and Officer Halliday with the Hope Police Department arrived on scene to assist. Deputy Brown asked Derek if there was anything illegal inside the vehicle and he stated no. Deputy Brown asked Derek if officers could search the vehicle and he stated yes. Sgt. Oller and Officer Haliday assisted with searching the vehicle. During the search of the vehicle, Sgt. Oller noticed the carpet under the foot pedals on the driver’s side was loose and pulled up really easy. Sgt. Oller pulled back the carpet and located a green glass pipe commonly used for consuming methamphetamine. Sgt. Oller also noticed a crystal rock like substance believed to be methamphetamine laying close to the pipe. At that time, Derek was placed under arrest for possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine).
Walter and Derek were transported to the HCDF where they were turned over to the on duty jail staff for booking. Derek was charged with possession of a controlled substance (meth), possession of drug paraphernalia, and driving on a suspended license. Walter was charged with possession of a controlled substance (meth) and possession of drug paraphernalia. Walter and Derek will be held for a 1st court appearance.
Death Investigation
On June 30, 2017 at approximately 1832 hours, Deputy Malone was dispatched to 996 Highway 195 South in reference to a welfare check.
Upon arrival, he made contact with Keenan Williams, Josh Williams, Jacque Ford, and Daniel Ford. Daniel stated that Lance Rahm’s wife passed away approximately one month ago, and he lives alone. Keenan stated that they have tried to get Lance to the door and call him on his cell phone which is. Keenan stated that they have been unsuccessful making contact with Lance.
Deputy Malone knocked on the front door to the residence multiple times. and knocked on the back door multiple times. I looked and checked the windows on the residence Deputy Malone observed lights on inside the residence. Deputy Malone made several more attempts to make contact with Lance by phone and was unsuccessful.
Josh, Daniel, and Jacque all stated that the last time they saw Lance was at the Washington Baptist Church on June 18, 2017, where they are all members and Keenan is the pastor. Keenan stated that the last time he saw Lance was at his store, Lagrone Williams on June 22, 2017 at approximately 1500 or 1600 hours in the afternoon. Keenan stated that he and Lance spoke for approximately 15 minutes and then he left the store.
Deputy Malone made contact with Lance’s neighbor Cheryl Bass. Cheryl stated that it has been approximately 3 days since she had last saw Lance. Cheryl stated that Lance arrived home and she was sitting on her front porch. Cheryl stated that Lance had groceries in his hand and waved at her. She stated that she has not seen him since then.
Deputy Malone checked to see if there were any open windows on the residence. Malone found an open window to the left of the front porch of the residence. Malone made entry into the residence through that window. And then observed Lance Frahm was laying on the floor between a couch and his bed in the living room of the residence contacted dispatch and advised them to notify EMS and Hempstead County Coroner Ben Brazzel to come to the residence.
Coroner Brazzel arrived on scene and pronounced Lance Frahm deceased at 2055 hours on June 30, 2017. Coroner Brazzel advised that Lance has been deceased for approximately 48 hours. Coroner Brazzel advised that the cause of death is undetermined pending further Investigation report. Deputy Malone didn’t observe any signs of foul play.
On June 30, 2017 at approximately 1940 hours, Deputy Brown received a call from the police dispatcher regarding a disturbance, located at 1958 Highway 371 E, in Nashville, Arkansas.
Upon arrival Deputy Brown met with William Parker. William stated he and a distant family member, Anthony McColley got into an argument over a female. William stated that Anthony got mad, pointed his finger at him and threatened to punch him in the face.
William stated out of reaction he told Anthony he would shoot him in the head. William stated he immediately knew that he should not have said that, and that he does not even have a firearm inside the residence. William stated that he never had intentions on hurting Anthony. William stated that they both were drinking and it got out of hand. William stated that it was just verbal and never turned physical.
Deputy Brown made contact with Anthony outside the residence and he told me the same story William did. Anthony stated that it was not over a female, but simply over talking on the phone and William being too drunk. Anthony stated that it never got physical. Anthony stated that he was going to leave the residence and stay with a friend. Anthony got into a vehicle with a friend and left the scene after being released.
Public Intoxication and Obstructing Governmental Operations.
On June 30, 2017 at approximately 1700 hours, Deputy Brown received a call from the police dispatcher regarding a red Ford Explorer bearing Arkansas license plate 773 TJS swerve all over the road, hit some type of metal sign and pull over on the side of the road, located in the 3000 block of Highway 29 N, in Blevins, Arkansas.
Upon arrival, the vehicle was unable to be located. Deputy Brown and Malone began to search the area for the vehicle. Deputy Malone located the vehicle at 5883 Highway 29 N, in Blevins, Arkansas. Deputy Brown went to the location and made contact with Deputy Malone. The Officers made contact with two Hispanic females standing around the vehicle. Deputies observed damage to the passenger side of the vehicle. While speaking with the two females they began to yell and were very uncooperative. One of the females later identified as, Gladys Martinez, could not speak English and the other female could. Deputies asked one of the females later identified as Silvia Renclor who was operating the vehicle. Silvia asked what does it matter, I was not driving. Officers asked Silvia what her name was and she refused to tell her name. Deputies could smell a very strong odor of intoxicants coming from Silvia’s person, as well as Gladys. Officers asked Gladys if she has been drinking alcohol and she stated yes, we both have been a little bit. Officers asked Silvia once again for her name. Silvia stated no, I am not giving you my name and attempted to walk away. Deputy Malone then attempted to place Silvia under arrested. While placing her under arrest Gladys pulled Silvia’s arm away from Deputy Malone. At this time, Deputy Brown assisted and placed Gladys under arrest. Both Silvia and Gladys was placed under arrest for Public Intoxication and Obstructing Governmental Operations.
While en route to the HCDF, Gladys began breathing heavily and passed out. Deputy Brown immediately contacted Pafford EMS to check on Gladys. EMS arrived on scene and assessed Gladys. They determined that she was okay. Deputy Brown continued to the HCDF where Gladys and Silvia were charged and issued a citation for Public Intoxication and Obstructing Governmental Operations.
Civil Dispute
On June 30, 2017 at approximately 8:30 a.m., Deputy Mc Bride was dispatched to 526 Highway 355 West in reference to a verbal dispute. Dispatch advised that the caller, Sarah Jarman said that Jim Oexman would not give her the car keys.
While in route, dispatch advised that Sarah called back and said that Jim gave her the keys; but would still like to speak with a deputy at Bethany Baptist Church.
Upon arrival to Bethany Baptist Church, Deputy Mc Bride made contact with Sarah. Sarah stated that Jim would not give her the keys to the car, so she could leave. Sarah stated that she then threw Jim’s fishing poles into the yard. Sarah stated that Jim then pushed her out of the door. Sarah stated that she does not want to pursue charges at this time, but would like to setup a time for a civil standby. I asked Sarah when she would like to have a civil standby and Sarah stated that she would have to get in touch with someone to help her. I advised Sarah to contact the Sheriff’s Department when she knew a date and time.
Public Intoxication / Felony Warrant Service
On June 30, 2017 at approximately 0043 hours, Deputy Loe was dispatched to the 300 block of Highway 73 West in reference to a person passed out on the highway.
Upon my arrival, Deputy Loe made contact with the caller, Dakari Harris, who stated that he was driving home when he noticed a white male lying on the shoulder of the highway with his head approximately one foot from the fog line.
Deputy Loe made contact with the individual, and upon a search of his person, found an ID with the name of Joseph Henson on it. It appeared that Joseph was heavily intoxicated and passed out on the shoulder of the road not realizing where he was at. Pafford EMS evaluated Joseph and stated that he was fine, just intoxicated.
Once Deputy Loe was able to get Joseph awake and talking, he could smell the odor of intoxicants radiating from his breath. It appeared to me that Joseph was a danger to himself, so Deputy Jeremy Miller then placed Joseph into handcuffs, double locking the cuffs and checking for proper fit. During that time, it became known that Joseph had a felony warrant out of Nevada County and that they wanted a hold placed on him. Deputy Loe then transported Joseph to the Hempstead County Detention Center where he was booked in on the aforementioned charges.