Public meeting for new political party


PRESCOTT – A public hearing will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 11, at the Nevada County Courthouse to discuss the formation of a new political party.

The effort is being spearheaded by John Miller, with He calls the new party the “Blue Collar Party”, and said plans are for it to represent the American middle class and help it grow. He’s working to form the new party because of what he sees as the failure of the two major political parties in America at this time.

“Both parties,” Miller said, “only seem to be interested in their party, not what the nation and her people need. Each works to stonewall the other, while, simultaneously, blaming the other as being obstructionist. The end result is nothing is getting done that needs to be done.”

The Blue Collar Party, he continued, will focus on such issues as: immigration, welfare reform, education, military spending, tax reform, trade, terrorism and the environment, among others.

Miller has worked on the planks for the party’s platform, but for it to be recognized, there’s a lot of work to be done. A committee of like-minded individuals will need to work on bylaws, financial planning and getting the word out.

To become recognized nationally, the party would need a minimum 1.5 million members. However, more would be needed to get federal funding.

“This is not another crackpot party,” Miller said. “The concepts are based on reason, logic and common sense, something apparently lacking in Washington and in both major parties these days. Instead of working against one another, as the Democrats and Republicans do, we, as a people, need to work together.

“In order for everyone to succeed, everyone must be able to succeed. No one can ‘win’ by working solely to prevent others from ‘winning’.”

Miller said both major parties have their giveaway programs. The Republicans want to give everything to the wealthy in the form or tax breaks. The Democrats want to give everything to the poor and everyone else. The only thing the two parties agree on, is the middle class should pick up the tab for their giveaway programs.

The Blue Collar Party, he said, is about inclusion, not exclusion. It’s about working together to make America the shining beacon of hope it’s been until recently. It’s about lifting one another up, not holding one another down.

“This is an opportunity for those who think a major change is needed to step up and work to lead the United States in the right direction.”

The meeting will be held in the Nevada County courtroom at 6 p.m. on July 11. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.

One thought on “Public meeting for new political party

  1. The middle class elected trump. Now he’s giving them the screw. So this is the alternative ??

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