Meet the Directors


HOPE- The Hope Public Schools hosted a “Meet the Directors” tonight, July 13 at 7:00pm. The meeting took place in the high schools band room. When entering the room you were greeted by the one of the band directors, they each introduced themselves.  The new Head Band Director is Mrs. Gladden. Mr. Brandon Ellis will be the director over of the Hope High School, Yerger Middle School, and Beryl Henry Elementary. Ms. Rose will be the director will also be with the Yerger Middle School. Ms. Osorto will be the director at Clinton Primary School and Beryl Henry Elementary. For those who are in the 5th through 8th grade will have a beginner Bobcat Band try-out day on August 3rd from 5:30-8:30p.m. For those who are worried about the cost of instruments, there are monthly rental options as well as some school-owned instruments for your kids to choose from. There are several leadership positions available, there will also be leadership camps going on the rest of the month. For more updates on the schools band like their Facebook page Hope Bobcat Bands.

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