Tourism Commission Monthly Meeting


HOPE- The Hope Advertising and Tourist Promotion Commission hosted their monthly meeting today, July 13. The meeting took place at the Depot downtown in the McLarty Room.  The members that were present were chair member Sharon Caldwell, Trevor Coffee, Don Still, Babu Patel, Juan Rivera, and secretary Paul Henley. Non-members that were present consisted of Dolly Henley, Gary Chambless, Charlton Luker, Catherine Cook, as well as myself. The monthly minutes for the month of June was presented to those present and discussed in detail about payments that brought concern. After reviewing the minutes a motion to approve was brought up by Juan Rivera and seconded by Babu Patel.

Dolly Henley presented the commission with the Hempstead Halls advertisement videos for the Clint Black concert that will take place on August 4, 2017. She hopes to receive their support in advertising to reach a further advertisement markets of to bring more people to the Hope area. Catherine Cook spoke of the street light project that had been approved in previous meetings. It is taking longer then expected, with losing the person who was overseeing the light changes. A change has been made to one of the lights at City Hall so they can see what type they need to go with. The fixture is the light closer to the mangers office. With these new fixtures it allows more to be seen with a brighter light. Also discussed was the sign on the Hope Outdoor and Power building, it will be redone with what was previously on it, “A Slice of the Good Life” they choose to do this since it brought a lot of people into the downtown area to take a picture with it in the background. The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 by Sharon Caldwell.

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