Livestock report

Hope Livestock Auction Weighted Average Report for Thursday Jul 27, 2017 Cattle Receipts: 757 Last week: 1091 Last year: 1101 Compared to last week: Feeder steers steady except 300-400 lb calves 6.00- 10.00 higher. Feeder heifers 2.00-3.00 lower. Slaughter cows steady to 2.00 higher. Slaughter bulls steady. Supply included 441 feeder calves; 205 yearlings; 15 replacement cows; 81 slaughter cows; 15 slaughter bulls. Feeder supply consisted of 43 percent English and English crosses; 39 percent Exotic and Exotic crosses; 18 percent Brahman and Brahman crosses. Feeder supply included 62 percent steers and bulls; 38 percent heifers. Prices follow with weighted average price in parenthesis. Please Note: The below USDA LPGMN price report is reflective of the majority of classes and grades of livestock offered for sale. There may be instances where some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will not be included in the report. Prices are reported on a per cwt basis, unless otherwise noted. Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 16 300-340 314 185.00-220.00 199.03 15 350-390 370 170.00-200.00 182.10 17 400-445 420 165.00-180.00 168.34 17 450-490 466 154.00-165.00 157.81 27 500-545 526 149.00-158.00 152.01 15 555-595 577 145.00-153.00 148.27 19 600-645 616 140.00-150.00 145.09 10 650-695 673 140.00-145.00 141.29 3 700-740 717 135.00-142.00 139.65 3 765-790 778 130.00-138.00 132.62 Medium and Large 2 6 310-345 324 140.00-155.00 146.53 16 350-395 380 145.00-155.00 148.29 9 405-445 422 140.00-150.00 145.17 8 455-495 477 133.00-140.00 137.06 4 500-535 518 130.00-135.00 132.50 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 7 300-345 321 155.00-163.00 158.18 11 350-395 375 145.00-155.00 150.70 9 400-445 419 142.00-150.00 144.95 8 450-490 466 140.00-144.00 141.10 12 500-545 517 135.00-145.00 137.19 14 555-595 578 130.00-136.00 132.92 11 600-645 627 128.00-133.00 130.20 11 650-695 668 124.00-132.00 128.64 2 700-720 710 115.00-119.00 116.97 Medium and Large 2 2 335-340 338 133.00-135.00 134.01 2 350-365 358 135.00-136.00 135.49 9 405-445 432 130.00-135.00 132.43 6 465-485 478 125.00-130.00 127.69 4 525-545 535 120.00-125.00 122.50 Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 8 460-495 479 145.00-151.00 148.40 8 500-540 519 137.00-145.00 140.88 5 565-580 573 135.00-140.00 138.39 6 600-645 616 127.00-135.00 130.84 3 655-685 673 125.00-130.00 127.97 5 700-735 721 120.00-124.00 121.18 5 750-765 755 115.00-122.00 118.40 Replacement Cows: Pre-tested for bangs; pregnancy; and age. Medium and Large 1-2: Age Weight Months Bred Price 2-6 year old 950-1270 second & third stage 95.00-120.00 7-10 year old 900-1175 second & third stage 75.00-85.00 3-5 year old 800-1000 open grazing cows 83.00-100.00 Cow-Calf Pairs: Medium and Large 1-2: Age Cow Weight Calf Wt Price 2-6 year old 900-1200 100-200 1200.00-1500.00 per pair 7-10 year old 900-1175 100-200 1000.00-1325.00 per pair Slaughter Cows: %Lean Weight Average Dress High Dress Low Dress Breakers 75-80% 1200-1450 63.00-65.00 Boners 80-85% 950-1300 65.00-75.00 54.00-62.00 Lean 85-90% 900-1100 61.00-68.00 Light 85-92% 700-950 46.00-57.00 Slaughter Bulls: Weight Average Dress High Dress Low Dress Y.G. 1-2 1000-2100 85.00-93.00 72.00-78.00 Source: AR Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Service, Little Rock, AR Jeff Milam, 501-671-2200
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