Tourism update planned for Civil War sites

PRESCOTT – A public meeting will be held Thursday, Aug. 24, from 9:30-11 a.m. at the Nevada County Library to update residents on the status of the county’s Civil War battlefields.
Post cards were mailed to many residents letting them know of the meeting. The meeting is being sponsored by the Friends of the Nevada County Civil War Battlefields, Prescott-Nevada County Economic Development Office and Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce with the Nevada County Depot and Museum also involved.
Mark Christ, director of community outreach with the Arkansas Department of Heritage, will talk at 10 a.m. about a community in Tennessee similar to Prescott that had a Civil War battlefield and the impact it had there. He will also talk about the history of the Elkins Ferry and Prairie D’Ane battlefields as well as the potential they have for the region economically.
In addition, Christ will tell those who attend the status of purchasing more than 800 acres of the Prairie D’Ane site. Currently, a little more than $36,000 is needed to be raised to buy the land.
There will also be a question and answer period where patrons can ask any questions they may have about the sites or battles.
Fiona Taylor, Arkansas Archaeologist Research Station assistant, will represent Carl Drexler, the research assistant professor from the University of Arkansas, in talking about the dig held at Elkins Ferry and what was found.
The programs will last about 30 minutes, depending on the questions people may have. Brochures and other information will be available as well. “We want to educate the community on this tourism project,” said Mary Godwin, executive director of the EDO, “and show its potential.”
Judy Duke, the new curator of the Depot and Museum, and Paul Ridgell, president of the Depot Board of Directors, also talked about these sites being a golden opportunity with Prescott possibly being a hub and getting a visitor’s center from the Arkansas Department of Tourism. Ridgell and Duke both said these sites could have a major economic impact on the region with heritage tourism, as heritage tourists tend to stay longer and spend more.
The hub would be in conjunction with Peggy Lloyd’s talk about a scenic byway group working to tie five SWAR battlefields together and making a loop starting from Little Rock, coming down to Prescott, heading toward Camden, then looping back toward Little Rock. Prescott’s location would make it the ideal location for a visitor’s center because of the interstate’s proximity to both Prairie D’Ane and Elkins Ferry.
Light refreshments will be available at the meeting as well. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.
Please don’t tell the ‘haters’ of this. They will bring their destruction and protests here. If you destroy and erase history, how will you learn from it? If you don’t understand your heritage, you won’t understand who you are. No wonder they are so confused.
there should be laws enforced for destruction of property, assault, battery, inciting a riot, attempted murder,disturbing the peace, etc. I guess the police are sick of the black lives matter and the murder of their own. cant say as I blame them. God will not bless a country or its people that forget him. ALL PEOPLE AND NATIONS THAT FORGET GOD WILL BE CAST INTO HELL. lets all repent and ask God back into our lives and quit Slaughtering our living unborn babies which is nothing but cold blooded murder. Jesus saves.