Hope School Board

The Hope School Board met Monday December 18th for their regular monthly meeting. Mr. Hart recognized board members Linda Haynes and Jimmy Courtney for completing 25 hours of continuing education with the Arkansas School Board Association.
The board accepted a registration form for the Hope Academy of Public Service.
Mrs. Terri Hoglund talked about the “Noble Impact” program, a program that helps students learn to speak publicly about themselves. 14 year old Lisbeth Arroyo made a presentation. Mrs. Hoglund says she has 30 students in the program.
School Improvement Specialist Carla Narlesky spoke about a program she attended in San Antonio.
Mr. Hart gave a report on enrolment. He noted as of December 13th enrollment was 2,360.
Mr. Hart had Hope High Principal Bill Hoglund report on a decrease in tardies. Mr. Hoglund noted tardies dropped from 697 the first 9weeks to 298 in the second 9 weeks. Mr. Hoglund said he believes this is because of a new tardy calculation program and because the campus is more secure.
The board discussed some maintenance work on the outside of Clinton Primary. The board accepted a bid for the work.
The board looked at a facilities master plan. Two roofing programs were added at Garland and Hope High. Any action will be taken after a Master Plan public meeting after the first of the year.
The board looked at two policies left out of the transition from the previous policy book to the Arkansas School Board Association policies. One dealt with staff and the other on athletic passes.
The board passed a resolution requesting a waiver to move up the start of school from the week of August 19th. Hope will be one of 200 districts moving up the start of school.
The board approved a request to use the football field by a semi-pro football team on several Saturdays in 2018. They also approved a request for the use of the Beryl Henry building in March for the JROTC program.
The board approved the use of a credit card for utilities and travel accommodations. The approval of “procurement cards” will result in “cash back” of .8 percent. Mr. Hart said these funds can be put back into various school activity funds.
The board heard from Mr. Hart concerning applying for an exemption from “school choice”. He said he and the district lawyers recommend the district request the exemption. He says they are the “test case”. He also noted he believes it would violate the terms of a court settlement from years ago. The board voted to maintain their current policy and continue to seek an exemption from”School Choice”.
The board set an evaluation for the Superintendent. The board voted to do it immediately after the January Board meeting. Due to the Dr. Martin Luther King holiday falling on the regular meeting date the board agreed by acclamation to move the regular meeting and the Superintendent evaluation to January 22nd.
The board voted to add a $5,000 stipend to a teaching contract to cover the compensation of the new Dean OF Students position. This will be retroactive August of this school year.
Board member Bubba Powers stated he was privileged to be at the dedication for the “Denny’s Place” garden at HAPS.
Personnel matters closed out the meeting.