Brown announces for Mayor

PRESCOTT – Rena Brown announces her candidacy for Mayor of Prescott in the May Preferential Party Primary.
She was born in August of 1966 in Huntington, IN, one of eight children born to Lester and Marie Weaver from Blevins, originally from Texas. Mom and dad were migrant workers and moved from state to state picking cotton, apples, oranges etc. throughout my childhood before settling down in Blevins. Mom and dad began working at Redland Farms outside of Blevins and at the same time dad was a house painter and painted many homes in and around Prescott.
My childhood was a tough childhood. I began working at the young age of eight helping mom pick up eggs at Redland Farms and by the time I was eleven I was working a job without my parents. Even though it was hard work it taught me the value of an honest day’s work. By the time I was a teenager I was working every evening after school and every weekend. There were eight of us kids and I made the choice to drop out of school to help my parents support us. It taught me the value of a dollar. Nothing has been handed to me, I have worked my entire life and have accomplished a lot. I’m very proud of where I came from and where I am today.
Jim and I married in 1982 and settled in Prescott. Jim worked at the Ford Dealership before he went for a job interview in Marlow, OK, with the U.S. Postal Service. He was hired, and we moved off for three years before transferring back to Prescott. In 1985 we had our first son, Joshua, in 1987 we had our second son, Cody and in 1990, our third son, Cameron. During it all I worked outside the home. Nothing was given to us, we had to work hard to accomplish what we have today. In 2000 I decided to go back to school. I started attending school at the college in Hope and it wasn’t long before I graduated and earned my GED. I was very proud of accomplishing something that seemed so unattainable at that time what with three kids, working outside the home and running our home. After getting my GED, it gave me the ability to apply for a job with the postal service. I was hired and worked at the Rosston Post Office for several years before leaving and going to work for the Prescott United Methodist Church. I worked as the Administrative Assistant for more than 15 years.
I know what I missed out on in school and education became very important to me, I knew my kids would never be allowed to drop out. I had to instill in them the importance of a good education. I’m very proud to say that Josh graduated from PHS, went onto college at Southwestern Assembly of God University in Waxahachie, TX, where he received his Bachelor of Science and Church Ministry then his Masters of Divinity and is currently working on his Doctor of Ministry. Josh currently works in Little Rock as a hospital Chaplin at the Baptist Hospital and is the Pastor of Thousand Hills Church. And then there is Cameron who also graduated from PHS and went on to SAU and graduated with a Bachelors in Physical Education and Wellness and Leisure, he is currently working on his Master in Education of Leadership at Arkansas State University. Cody attended college at Texarkana College before leaving to go to work for Red River Army Depot where he was deployed to Afghanistan for over two years, he’s still working at Red River Army Depot.
Jim retired six years ago from the postal service and we opened our store, Hwy 67 Flea Market. We just celebrated our third year in business. We had previously been in Delight for four years before closing and re-opening in Prescott. I retired two years ago from the church to help run and operate the flea market. Now I begin a new journey, running for Mayor.
I am not a politician, I’m a resident of the city of Prescott and I recognize it’s time for change. I’m ready and willing to run City Hall like a business and to work hard for the residents of Prescott.
Running for Mayor is not a decision that I made lightly because I know it’s going to take a lot of hard work. As with any new job you must learn the ropes. I’m excited and ready to learn! I have a lot of new and fresh ideas. I believe it’s time for change.
I’m asking for your support and your vote on Tuesday, May 22, 2018.
When elected, I will work hard to:
Lower our electric rates
Eliminate nonessential spending
Bring in small and large businesses
Animal control
Cleaning up Prescott
Transparency – Keeping you updated on what the city is involved in.
And this goes out to that “Person” (and you know who you are) that sent Rena Brown a letter unsigned almost threatening her over running for Mayor of Prescott… SHAME ON YOU!!!! So what if she dropped out in the 9th grade, she well made up for it. Obviously you do not have to be brillant to work hard and do it honestly. You’re a pretty ignorant source.. not to mention a complete COWARD… again, you know who you are.. to send an unsigned letter to her using her education against her. This woman will run the City well. Please go cast you votes. Mayor Oliver has already spoken to Jimmy Brown (Rena’s husband) and has stated he wanted a “clean” campaign and if anyone heard of his people being ugly and starting rumors or trouble to inform him.. so Mayor Oliver you might wanna investigage whose doing this. I don’t call this a “clean campaign”. Thank you.. all you voters go VOTE.. for who you think will be the better person.
there needs to be a change at city hall. There needs to be a person in there that cares about the citizens and the future of the town. But what’s sad, most are happy with the status quo. Thus this is why the electrical rates are still high, no businesses and no industry. They are happy with their little small town.