Chamber has busy year planned


PRESCOTT – This is shaping up to be a busy year for the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce.

Jamie Hillery, executive director of the Chamber, said the Chamber will be doing the same events as it has in the past, but changes will be made to not only improve them, but make them bigger. The first event will be the annual Chamber coffee at the Nevada County Library on Jan. 23 from 9:30-11 a.m.

Last year’s Fall Festival, she said, saw the vendors doubled. Her plans this year is to see the entire courthouse square covered in vendors. The date for this year’s Fall Festival is Oct. 13.

The Chamber’s board of directors met recently and, according to Hillery, has some “cool” ideas for 2018. One of the biggest changes will be seen in the Annual Business Consumer Expo. Hillery said the Chamber is looking for a new venue as the Potlatch Building simply isn’t large enough. Plans are to hold the Expo over a series of days instead of one night, and have the booths set up backdrops rather than use table top displays as has been done in the past. However, she added, nothing is set in stone at this time.

Changes will also be made to the Farmer’s Market, or at least an attempt will be made to make changes, she said. The idea will be for the farmers participating to be able to accept WIC vouchers. This, she continued, will require the market to have set days and those accepting WIC vouchers will have to be there on specific days, most likely Monday as this tends to be the best day for the market. The farmers being able to accept WIC vouchers, she added, will help the farmers and the community. The annual farmer’s market meeting will be at 5 p.m. on March 1 at the extension office. In addition, Hillery said, the Chamber is looking to add more farmers and will accept farmers from surrounding counties as well as Nevada County.

The annual Chamber Banquet is scheduled for April 24 and will likely be held at the Prescott High School cafeteria again, though the building hasn’t been reserved at this time. Hillery said the board will meet again to discuss the banquet, including its theme for 2018.

However, Hillery’s main focus will be on local businesses, helping new ones open and helping existing ones grow. She plans on calling all members regularly, monthly if possible, and working to promote local business to help Prescott’s economy grow. She also plans on visiting local businesses on a regular basis to discuss their needs and any ideas they may have for growth. “Our businesses need our support and it’s my job to support them. The Chamber’s focus is supposed to be on local business and that hasn’t always been the case.”

A membership drive will be held later in the year to help the Chamber, itself, grow.

Hillery said the annual Chamber Scholarship competition is coming up. The Chamber offers scholarships of $250 to a senior in the Prescott and Nevada school districts.

Otherwise, she said, the Chamber will work on its usual events, with the Easter Egg Hunt the next major one. This year’s Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for March 24 at the Nevada County Fairgrounds. It will be held from 1-2 p.m. again this year as that worked well last year.

Hillery said the crawfish boil will be held in August again this year, though the date hasn’t been set. October will see the Fall Festival on Oct. 13 and Trick or Treat on Elm Street and the costume contest will be held on Halloween once again, with the consumer expo scheduled for Nov. 8. Dates for the Christmas events have also been set, with the annual Christmas Parade and Christmas on the Square set for Dec. 6 and Breakfast with Santa on tap for Dec. 15.


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