Beads, Bags and Bangles March 1



HOPE – The University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana will hold the 12th Annual Beads, Bags, and Bangles Kids’ College fundraiser on Thursday, March 1, from 6-9 p.m. at the Hope Municipal Airport in Hope, Arkansas. The theme of this year’s event is “The Bicentennial Bash,” in celebration of the 200-year anniversary of Hempstead County.

Are you feeling lucky? Featured events this year will include casino games, live music, a special tasting event, exclusive shopping, heavy hors d’oeuvres, a live auction, and more. This event is sure to be one that people will remember for the next 200 years.

Proceeds raised at the 12th Annual BBB event will be used for scholarships and supplies to benefit the 2018 Kids’ College and Camp Save-A-Life programs. These programs are designed for students who will be in first through eighth grade. The 2017 programs served over 250 children from Hope, Texarkana, and the surrounding communities. A portion of the funds will also benefit UAHT’s Camp Save-A-Life program which serves approximately 50 students in seventh and eighth grade on the Hope and Texarkana campuses.

Tickets to the BBB Bicentennial Bash are $35. For more information or to buy your tickets, call Jill Bobo, UAHT Foundation Executive Director, at 870-722-8516.

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