Hope City Board

The Hope City Board met Tuesday February 20th. The meeting led off with a presentation from Steve Saum on Small Cell Communication sites. He noted communication companies are starting to put up small antennas for wi-fi and he is not against that; however, some.of these companies put in items that are more bulky than the equipment they promised. Saum said the city can charge franchise fees and other fees on these installations. Saum says Water and Light is working on guidelines for such communication sites as well as a contract for such agreements. City Manager Catherine Cook says they have been approached by at least one carrier who told the city they could put them in without the city’s cooperation. Cook says the city attorney got that stopped. No action was taken
The City Board declared a 1996 Caterpillar Track Loader and a 1997 Ford pick-up as surplus. These items will be sold via online auction.
The board looked at annexation of some areas. Some of these areas include the soccer field/skate park on Spring Hill Road, part of the Kiwanis baseball complex at Fair Park, the city radio tower and firing range on US 67 East, Hope In Action #2 on US 67 West, the 3000th block through the 3500th block of Patmos Road, certain residences along 16th between Wilson and Spring Hill Road, Gunter Lane, Spring Hill Road from 16th to the south end of the soccer field, and parts of West Avenue B. Other areas discussed for annexation include North Hervey near Hempstead 183, Smith Road, Brentwood Drive, North Spruce North of the bypass, and areas along 23rd and 28th Street. Police Chief and Assistant City Manager J.R. Wilson made the presentation to the board and noted if the board wanted to take those areas in they would probably want to do it before the 2020 census. Wilson also discussed the methods available in which the areas could be annexed. No action was taken.
After reviewing 2017 expenses, Finance Director Debbie Hall recommended the 2017 budget be amended for 6 items. That included $5,000 for the beautification committee $6,700 for the Chamber Downtown contract, $37,500 for the Dox Building demoliton, $6,750 for the City Hall copier, $135,000 for rail spur work, and $35,000 for ground water monitoring. It was noted sales and property taxes came in over budget for 2017 and the city collected $19,000 on the Fink Building clean-up which went to the Dox clean-up. The city should recoup the rail expenses from local industries. It was also noted there may be bond funds left to help on the ground water monitoring. The board voted to amend the budget by passing a resolution.
The board discussed possibly leasing the former International Paper building at the airport to Pafford Ambulance. The proposed lease would be $400 per month. The lease would be used for aviation operations. Paul Henley noted this could open the door to get more Pafford air operations to the Hope airport in the future. The board approved the lease
The board voted to purchase 600,000 garbage bags . The board accepted the low bid of $39,400 from Houston Poly. The city distributes free bags to Hope residents and also offers surplus bags for sale.
Under the City Manager’s report, Catherine Cook gave a report on Main Street visits. She noted they have visited Russellville and El Dorado. She noted Hope has more businesses Downtown than Russellville had 25 years ago when they started in the Main Street program.
Under Citizens Requests, John Akin asked if when the Downtown Pavilion design is drawn up will it be shown to the public. Mayor Steve Montgomery noted it would be.
A homeowner , Marty McKamie, whose home is located in one of the areas which may be annexed noted he is on a septic tank and is charged for wastewater service. Catherine Cook asked him to come see her. Carol Standridge asked about code enforcement. Board member Reggie Easter asked about a project on Hickory for the housing authority. The meeting then adjourned.