Curry anounces for city council
Fellow citizens of Prescott, Arkansas,
I, Reverend Ivory Curry, would like to announce my candidacy for City Council. I will be running for the esteemed privilege of representing Prescott in Ward 1 Position 2.
My wife (Kay) and I are lifelong citizens of Prescott. My ministry started here in Prescott and for the past 21 years I have presided over Carrie Street Church of God located in Gurdon. The opportunities to work within my community and surrounding communities has given me insight and experience dealing with issues facing all of us.
I worked at Firestone for more than 44 years. Exercising my leadership skills made me an effective member of the management team. Union relations gave me opportunity to work in a team oriented environment to effect change and ensure equal representation for all members.
We have owned and operated our business here in Prescott for more than a decade. My participation in the Nevada County Leadership Program has prepared me to use my experience to work with other community leaders and help our community grow and become a better place for all its citizens to live and work. I understand the plight of the small business owner. The council seat should be used to represent small business and make things better in the community. My familiarity with issues such as payrolls, high utilities, and other challenges facing small business owners make me a prime candidate to represent my colleagues on the City Council.
A personal goal that I would like to share with the community would be to find incentives to encourage people to invest their time and money back into the community. Small business is an excellent platform to cultivate community. Such programs can be a springboard for job preparation for future employees of facilities like Firestone. I see a future full of opportunity, better housing, and area beautification projects prompting the return of former citizens looking to retire and invest in the community.
I welcome the opportunity to have positive discussions about how we finance for positive changes in the community. We need to be prepared to take full advantage of grants and other funds available to the community. I look forward to becoming your representative. Therefore, I am asking for your vote and would appreciate the opportunity to serve as your councilman for Ward 1 Position 2. Thanks in advance for your support.