Board modifies calendar

PRESOTT – February’s meeting of the Prescott School Board saw changes made to this year’s school calendar.
Because of days missed due to bad weather in January, the board modified the 2017-18 school calendar, adding days on March 12-13 and May 30-31. This will make up for the days lost to snow. Originally, the last day of school was May 25, but it’s now May 31. Students, though, will get May 29 off as part of the Memorial Day holiday.
The board also approved a proposed calendar for 2018-19, which is basically the same as the 17-18 calendar. However, the calendar won’t go into effect until it goes before the Personnel Policy Committee and is also approved by a majority of the teachers. Superintendent Robert Poole said the board will address this issue at its March meeting, which was moved to March 13 so as to avoid a conflict with Spring Break, March 19-23.
In other business, the board accepted the low bid for a livestock barn. Four bids were received ranging from a high of $90,000 to the low bid of $28,800. The other bids were for $53,497 and $45,000. The low bidder was Jerod Lewis. The barn will be built using a donation from Percy Malone, and not school funds.
Two new students were accepted into the district as transfers. Both are in elementary school and came from the Blevins School District, which released the pair.
The board was told enrollment for the Prescott School District is 972, up six from January. There are 524 enrolled in Prescott Elementary School and 448 in Prescott High School
The board also approved a purchase order for $13,500 for the Southwest Arkansas Educational Cooperative for special education services. The panel was informed this is an annual expense and the money comes from the special education budget.