HPD receives Naxolone kits

HOPE – The Hope Police Department (HPD) recently received 30 Naloxone kits under the terms of a grant provided by the Blue and You Foundation, a foundation of Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Naloxone is a drug that can be legally administered by First Responders and can save the life of persons believed to be in medical distress due to an opioid overdose. If administered in error, the drug is not harmful to persons suffering from the overdose of some other type of narcotic.
Arkansas Drug Czar Kirk Lane and Criminal Justice Institute Director Cheryl May were instrumental in obtaining the grant and providing an Officer Training Program. HPD Sergeant Casey Singleton is the program coordinator for HPD and Doctor William Bennett is HPD’s overseeing physician. Internal policies, procedures and training have been developed and approved to ensure professional administration of the program and ongoing oversight. HPD is currently involved in ongoing training and anticipates its officers will begin carrying the drug shortly.
Chief of Police JR Wilson said, “I would like to think the Blue and You Foundation, Dr. William Bennett of Hope, Drug Czar Kirk Lane, CJI Director Cheryl May and HPD staff for the expertise and effort they bring to ensure the safety of the citizens of our City. This capability not only allows HPD Officers to assist those who are overdosing on an opiate prior to EMS arrival, but it is also available to our First Responders who may be accidentally exposed to a deadly opiate that is airborne or absorbed through the skin during the course of their jobs.”