Governor calls sepcial session

LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson Friday announced his intent to issue the official call to legislators for a Special Session of the 91st General Assembly, which will convene on Tuesday, March 13, , at 9 a.m., for the purpose of addressing a number of matters including highway funding and pharmacy reimbursement legislation.
Each item listed on the call is considered a unique circumstance that warrants immediate action by the legislature.
Governor Hutchinson issued the following statement:
“I appreciate the General Assembly’s quick action on all appropriation bills in the fiscal session. I’ve previously indicated that a special session would follow the fiscal session, assuming that the appropriation bills were passed in regular order.
“With the General Assembly’s timely completion of the fiscal session, today I’m announcing that I will call a special session of the General Assembly to begin next Tuesday at 9 a.m. This special session is necessary to address a number of matters that include highway funding and pharmacy reimbursement legislation.
“I anticipate formally issuing the call on Monday. I appreciate the work of the legislature and look forward to a swift and productive special session.”