Non-student ‘active shooter’ drill set for HHS

HOPE – An “active shooter” scenario drill on the Hope High School campus set for Thursday will
not involve students. HHS Principal Bill Hoglund said the drill is scheduled for 7:45 a.m. Thursday, but that classes
will not be in session at that time, and a significant number of students will be off-campus for
career or college visitation. Hoglund said the drill will be conducted on the HHS campus only.
“Since the students aren’t going to be here, we’re going to have an active shooter drill,” he said.
“We have been in consultation with our school resource officers, technology department,
teachers and staff; and, we have reviewed the crisis plan. We’ve done some extensive things to
get ready, and have reviewed the things we need to make the students safer.”
He said changes made throughout the year, such as an electronic entry system campuswide,
have improved campus safety significantly.
“In the event of a lockdown, there will not be any release of students; and, every door in the
building will be locked,” Hoglund said. “My number one job is to take care of our students.
Hope Superintendent Bobby Hart emphasized the drill is part of an on-going program of campus
security in the Hope Public Schools.
“Each campus is required to conduct and document active shooter drills,” Hart said. “Our staff
takes student safety seriously.”
The crisis plan written for each campus is the key to that emphasis, he said.
“We want to communicate clearly what procedure students and staff should follow should such a
situation arise,” Hart said. “We hope that parents, students, staff and the community pitch in to
prepare for any emergency event; and, we want to say ‘Thanks’ to all local law enforcement
agencies for assisting us in this drill.”
Thursday is also a parent meeting day for parents to review student schedules for the 2018-
2019 academic year, the result of one-to-one student and counselor meetings for every student,
Hoglund said. Those sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. and will continue through the planned
parent/teacher conference period from 3:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, he said