Parade for Vietnam veterans Thursday

A long overdue recognition:
Commemoration Honoring Vietnam Veterans this March 29, at 6 p.m., starting at 6th & Elm Street, Hope.
As part of the 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War, Hope, and 29 states and territories are commemorating the anniversary of the final withdrawal of U. S. Troops from Vietnam with a day of appreciation celebrated on March 29.
Please, be a part of this, let’s make it a great turnout showing your Dad, Mother, Brother and Uncle that you care.
More than 40 years after the war, many Veterans continued to feel the effects of their service. Some battled with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Others fought illnesses caused by their exposure to Agent Orange and other chemical defoliants sprayed during the Vietnam War.
Please, come and join in with us as we say to all our Veterans: “Welcome, Home and Thank you, for your service.”
Parade guidelines:
No need to register. Just come and be a part of this parade to honor our Vietnam Veterans. Parade will line up at 6th and Elm and will follow the same route as our District Fair Parade.
Everyone is welcome: ALL Vietnam Veterans, cars, floats, clubs, bands, first responders, law enforcement departments, fire departments, beauty contestants, tractors, horses, elected officials and those seeking office.
Again, the organizers respectfully ask, please, NO Four Wheelers.
Parade Directors: Ron Brown—(870) 397-0338 and Eddie Brazzel—(870) 777-6772