28 graduate from BHS

By Staff, 05/21/18 10:12 AM

HOPE – Hempstead Hall was filled with family and friends of the 28 students graduating from Blevins High School Friday night.

Charles Barber was the keynote speaker, telling the graduates they’re entering the next phase of their journey and what they do when nobody’s watching is more important than what they do when they’re being observed as this determines the type of person they are.

Originally from Bald Knob and a graduate of Ouachita Baptist University, Barber talked about how he always set goals and dreamed big. He urged the graduates to do the same, telling them it’s their responsibility and they have to be ready to take advantage of opportunities when they come.

In his job with the Department of Defense, Barber talked about being star struck the first time he visited the West Wing at the White House. He pointed out the West Wing is the executive wing, while the East Wing is for visitors and tourists. He questioned whether he belonged there at the time, but decided he did and could have a shot at a political career in the future.

He talked about joining the military and missing out on making the Olympic track team, and how he loved serving and had several tours before getting injured and taking a medical discharge.

‘High school is about social politics,” he said, adding it’s a time when students learn to read people and situations which helps prepare them for the future. He urged the students to dream, telling them “dreams don’t work unless you do.”

Zane Kirkhan gave the valedictory address, talking about how, until now, the students have been living their lives day to day and not always putting forth their best effort, but there are no do-overs.

Life, he said, is a daily project where we learn as we go and we must build wisely. “Our life is in front of us and we need to take pride in the product we put out.”

Jasmine Batson gave one of the co-salutatorian addresses, saying this is a bittersweet day and their last day together as a class. She talked about how the class is about to embark on a new journey and about the fond memories made during their times at Blevins, where they shared laughs and good times.

The final salutatorian address was given by Salourna Muresan, who said the class did a lot to get there and she wished they had more time. She urged the class to go out and make a monumental impact on the world.