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EHC offering strength training program

By Staff, 06/14/18 2:31 PM

PRESCOTT – A community coffee was held at the McRae Gym Thursday morning to introduce a strength training program being hosted by the UA Extension Service.

Shelbi Pinson, 4-H/FCS agent, said the program would be held Mondays and Fridays from 8-9 a.m. at the McRae Gym. The 12-week program will include low impact strength training with some light to moderate weight lifting included. She said if volunteers can be found to man the program, it could operate throughout the year. The cost is $20 per person, and payments can be made for those who don’t have the money up front.

The program will include a warm up session to start, followed by a cooling down period at the end. Walking is also available at the gym. Classes begin June 18.

County Agent Darren Neal said Pinson is an asset to the agency, adding the extension service isn’t only about agriculture, but also has programs on financial literacy, healthy eating and others.

The goal of the program it to help area residents increase their physical strength while improving their balance and flexibility. For more information, call Pinson at 870-887-2818, or email her at spinson@uaex.edu.