Mid Ark tabbed for new PHS roof

By Staff, 07/2/18 12:27 PM

PRESCOTT – Mid Ark Roofing has been selected to put a new roof on Prescott High School.

This decision was made during a special called meeting of the Prescott School Board Monday. The panel discussed the issue during its June meeting last week, but had questions as to why the two bids received were so different. Cutler and Co. had the high bid at $675,000, while Mid Ark’s bid was $453,260. Jerry Hollensworth, project architect, emailed Prescott Superintendent Robert Poole the answers, which were then forwarded to the board members.

With no further questions about the bids, Mid Ark’s was accepted and the company should begin work this week. This is a 90 day project which will run into the start of the school year, but not to the point where the educational process will be interfered with.

In other business, the board appointed Ryan Harvey as the legislative liaison for the Arkansas School Board Association’s Advocacy Network. Harvey’s duties as the liaison will be to act as a go-between for the district with area legislators when the Legislature is in session.