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Santa Cop home run derby set

By Staff, 08/17/18 9:10 AM

HOPE – Forget the fact it’s August and temperatures are regularly in the upper 90s.

Forget it because the Hope Police Department, for its Santa Cop program, will be having a Santacop Home Run Derby and softball game on Aug. 28. The derby begins at 6 p.m. with veteran officers taking on the rookies in a softball game immediately afterwards.

The rules for the home run derby are as follows, and it’s not just for members of law enforcement. Anyone from the public can participate for a fee of $5 for six balls. Every swing counts. The derby will be held at Lady Cat field with a 12 and under category, with a first place ribbon for the winner, and women 13 and over, with the winner taking home a trophy. At Legion Field, the derby is for men 13 and over with the winner getting a trophy.

The softball game will be played on Lady Cat Field, with hot dogs and bottled water available with a donation.

Checks should be made payable to the Hope Police Department Santa Cop Program. All money raised will go toward making this a better Christmas for underprivileged children in the community.