Hope City Board Meets
The Hope City Board met Tuesday August 28th. The meeting began with a report from Hope Water and Light by Russell Cornelius. Cornelius noted the utility lacks about 16 water meters replacing all 4,400 water meters with a smart meter. He said they lack just under 150 electric meters to be finished replacing all 6,700 electric meters with smart meters. Cornelius noted this is part of the new Advanced Metering Infrastructure Hope Water and Light had undertaken. He notes they hope to finish the water meters by mid October and the electric meters by the end of September. Cornelius encouraged everyone to load the”smart hub” app for their phones. Cornelius also noted the new water meters report possible leaks. He noted they have checked 20 customers where the meters reported leaks and all 20 had leaks. He also detailed that if a meter reports unusual activity for three days in a row they try to contact the customer and let them know there may be a leak. Cornelius also gave details on how Hope Water and Light hopes to offer prepaid service starting in late October. Mayor Montgomery also asked if the utility was still having a rate study by an outside company and Cornelius noted that is underway
The board heard an update on the street department from department head Tim Blue. Blue noted the department has six employees and two open positions. He detailed the work the department does such as maintaining culverts and filling potholes. Blue detailed how the city operates two vacuum trucks to pick up leaves and straw this time of year. He said not only does this keep the town clean but keeps this waste out of the storm sewers. Blue noted the department has broken up the old foundations where the downtown pavilion is to go. He also noted his department is working on pavement markings downtown and he indicated this is probably an ongoing project. Blue said he expects the pavers to be here in mid September. Some of the streets which will see work include Heyward, Dodd, Compress,and California Street. Blue said his department had torn down seven condemned houses at a cost of $16,000. Blue said he hoped to do more before the year ends.
The board discussed bids on the rail spur project. City Manager Catherine Cook said they had 6 bids on dirt work and 4 on the rail work. She said they feel at least a couple of the bids are “in the money”, in budget. Cook said they hope to bring the bids to the board on September September 4th. Mayor Montgomery noted they are still talking with AEDC about more funds for the job. Cook noted Union Pacific is charging $180,000 for the work on their part, down from $330,000.
The board looked at a request from Verizon to put up a “cellular monopole” on an 80 x 80 patch in the front of the airport property. Verizon has proposed a $500 a month lease for five years with$1,000 up front. This would go up 10% after the five years. The board indicated they wish to continue negotiations including looking into fair market value. Any lease will have to be approved by the FAA but the FAA has indicated the city can continue negotiations.
Under the City Manager’s Report, Catherine Cook noted wastewater bids will be opened September 13th. She noted the police STOP grant has been continued into 2019. She noted pre-bid conferences will be held with contractors hoping to bid on taking down three condemned houses. She noted the fire department has received a $82,381 “assistance to firefighters” grant. This will be used for Department of Labor required venting of the two fire stations. The city will put in $4,000. Cook noted the fire department will have a “training burn” at 1008 North Walker on September 12th. Cook also gave an update on legislation concerning small cell towers. Board member Reggie Easter asked about 18th Street during ball games and Vice-Mayor Don Still said it appeared that was OK by the end of last year’s football season. It was noted the old T.O. Porter building across from Wylie Glass on West Third is not secured and is attracting transients. Steve Atchley said the Beautification Committee has contacted the owner twice and gotten no response. It was decided the code enforcement officer will pay a visit to the property. The board also discussed the problem of yard sale signs posted on utility poles, stuck in street right-of-ways, and put on boxes left on corners. The board agreed code enforcement will begin removing such illegal signs and even ticketing those they find putting out the illegal signs.
The board approved into executive session at 7:56 to discuss the City Manager’s Performance Review. The meeting reconvened at 8:17.No action was taken.
Mayor Steve Montgomery lauded city employee Connie Lavender on her efforts on certifying City Board candidate petitions. He noted Mark Ross is certified to run in Ward 1, Linda Clark in Ward 4, himself and Carla Bryant in Ward 6, and Peter Maggio and Don Still in Ward 7. The meeting then adjourned.