Spring Hill School Board Meeting

SPRING HILL- The Spring Hill school board held their September meeting tonight. Mr. Hill called the meeting to order at 6:03 followed by a prayer from Mr. Whatley. The board reviewed the minutes with a motion to approve from Price and a second from Harrison. They then discussed the financial report and a motion to approve was made by Price then seconded by Whatley. High school Principal Dr. Maggio, the high school had a visit from the Hempstead County Sheriff’s office where they did surprise check for drug use among students. He also gave a brief statement of the progress that the high school has had and as of the 5th of September they have had a one-hundred percent attendance rate. Elementary Principal Ms. Chandler, stated that they have recently added a third kindergarten teacher. She stated that they are off to a good start for the school year. With the gym needing a new roof and the possibility of adding air conditioning to the building, a member of Lewis Architects Engineering of Little Rock spoke with the board about what they have to offer the school. Changing of the date of Parent Teacher Conferences was approved and will now be held on the 18th rather then the 16th. The audit report was discussed about supplemental findings no action was required but the board made a motion to approve Purtle to oversee and keep the audit in order. The board then went into executive meeting to discuss hiring personnel at 6:49 and then came back at 7:52. The meeting then adjourned.