Extension Homemakers Clubs Offer Lessons in a Variety of Skills

The Extension Homemakers Council clubs in Hempstead County can offer prospective new members lessons in a variety of homemaking skills while offering them a social outing with their peers.

​The mission of this organization shall be to empower individuals and families to improve their quality of living through continuing education, leadership development and community service.

​The Arkansas Extension Homemakers Council is one of the largest nonprofit volunteer groups in the state with a membership of over 4,400 and over 350 clubs. The Extension Homemakers, the Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arkansas, and the United States Department of Agriculture are partners in providing education to families in this state. These agencies extend educational resources to homemakers through organized groups and special interest classes.

Hempstead County has four EH Clubs:

• Blending Eras, Jane Collums, President, 870-777-9523
• De Ann/Sunshine, Linda Gilbert, President, 870-777-4268
• Shover Springs, Becky Harrison, President, 870-777-0159
• Cross Roads, Mary McPherson, President, 870-777-5337

All interested persons can enroll in this educational opportunity by contacting a leader of the club you are interested in or call Terrie James, Hempstead CEA-Staff Chair, at (870) 777-5771. Or you may email tjames@uaex.edu or come by the Extension office located in the Hempstead County Courthouse, 400 S. Washington, Suite 105 in Hope, AR

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