Hope Civitan Named Heartland District “Club of the Year”
The Hope Civitan Club was named the Heartland District “Club of the Year” at the Heartland Convention of Civitan International, held in Ft. Smith August 24-26. The Heartland District is made up of a total of 41 clubs, representing over 1200 members in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas.
Hope Civitan Club members attending the convention were club president Twyla Pruden, president-elect Darrell Davis, Patti Manus, Linda Blackmon and Eva Morehead. In addition to being named “Club of the Year” for service projects and community involvement, the Hope club also received a first place award for their 2017-18 scrapbook and a first place award for “Service to the Homeless.”
At the convention, members Manus, Blackmon and Morehead took part in a half day of service to the Ft. Smith area and all five attended workshop sessions, in addition to the awards ceremony and other festivities.
Civitan International is a service organization with over 100 years of devotion to promoting good citizenship, community service, and helping the developmentally challenged. The Hope Civitan Club was chartered in December 2009 and will celebrate a tenth anniversary next year.
Hope Civitans meet at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Dos Loco Gringos Restaurant.
The new club year begins on October 1 and officers taking their positions on that date are Darrell Davis, president; Eva Morehead, president-elect; Twyla Pruden, past president; Debbie Hall, treasurer; and Linda Blackmon, secretary. Outgoing secretary Leigh Quillin served for the past two years in that position. The club’s Board of Directors includes the officers and members Kim Smith, Mona Still, Gail Wolfenbarger and Patti Manus.
For information on membership in the Hope Civitan Club, contact any officer or member.