Spring Hill Homecoming

The gym at Spring Hill was packed to capacity to celebrate the crowning of Homecoming Queen Anna Collier Friday October 12th. Queen Anna was escorted by Layne Anderson and Lewis Chambers. Other members of the court included Mr. And Miss Spring Hill Ramsey Brown and Katie Rivera. Serving as Little Mr. and Miss Spring Hill were Walker Cato and Lyla Harper. The maids and their escorts included Abbi Fisher with escort Wesley Featherston, Lily Tyler with escort Wyatt Tyler, Karissa McGuire with escort Colby Light,and Arlee Pearce with escort Levi Kidd. Other maids included Jessie Vickers with escort Justin Lecher, Darcie Chambless with escort Bradley Powell, Marti Helms with escort Yancey Lee,and Riley Elledge with escort Dalton Gammage. Libby Flowers, Darci Durham, Colin Purifoy and Blaine Fisher served as sashers and bearers.