UAHT TRiO host Chamber Coffee

HOPE- The Hope Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce community coffee was hosted this morning, October 17 on the UAHT campus by the TRiO center.
The TRiO center has two programs; Student Support Services and Upward bound. The Student support services is directed by Ms. Mary White and the Upward bound program is under the director, Nicole Woods.
While at the coffee, UAHT Chancellor, Chris Thomason introduced the new Dean of Student Services; Christopher Smith. Smith graduated from Hope High School in 2006, then attend UACCH and graduated with associates of arts degree before transferring to University of Arkansas in Little Rock where he obtained his bachelors degree in Political Science in 2010, and then went to Arkansas State University to gain his masters of Public Administration, and is currently working on his doctor of education in Organizational Change and Leadership degree from the University of Southern California.
The coffee was catered by the Brickhouse Express that is located in the student center on the Hope campus.