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Hempstead County Bicentennial Committee Meets

By Submitted, 11/5/18 9:08 PM

The Hempstead County Bicentennial Committee met Monday November 5th. The meeting opened with a financial report from Dennis Ramsey. He noted net revenue is $17,828 and expenses have been $3,299.34 leaving net funds available at $14,528.66.
Josh Williams gave an update on promotions. He noted more letters are needed for the time capsule. Also, 8 Bicentennial t-shirts have been sold and they are available at the Chamber office. Keenan Williams also reported on sales of the Bicentennial knives and showed the Bicentennial silver coin. He also noted the Bicentennial Committee will have a table at the arts council holiday event. Josh Williams also noted they had looked at Bicentennial fleece vests. It was agreed not to get any.
Richard Read gave an update on the time capsule. He noted the committee needs to think about putting the Bicentennial Celebration celebratory material in the time capsule and also talked about having a separate ceremony for burying the time capsule. The reason to wait is so an account of the actual bicentennial day can be documented. Read also encouraged the committee members to write letters for the time capsule. Cherry Stewart asked that the merchants keep the “letters to the future” forms in their stores for Christmas Open House. It was decided these letters will be accepted through December 15th.
Reports were also given on donations, education,and history. Josh Williams noted the last tour of the county is set for November 18th. That Hempstead County Historical Society tour will be to Hope and Patmos.
Keenan Williams said the history committee is collecting potential locations for historical markers. So far suggestions have come from Saratoga and for a marker for the first school in the county in the Spring Hill area.
Under “arts and culture” Josh Williams noted the Arts Council is holding a poetry contest.
Hempstead County Judge Haskell Morse noted that both Governor Huckabee and Governor Hutchinson cannot attend but will send letters and Governor Huckabee may provide a video. Christian Davis of the Clinton Birthplace said work is continuing to get a video from President Clinton. Josh Williams noted there will be a panel at the program at Hempstead Hall which includes Mack McLarty, Judge Lavenski Smith, Joe Purvis, and Ellen Turner.
Josh Williams noted there will be a parade at 1pm and music around the new courthouse after the parade. Music will be provided by Night Hawk, Shelley Keith,and others. Fireworks will close out the night.
Josh Williams noted there are plans for posters for the event. He also talked about the program for the event and plans are for a 34 page program that will be sold for one dollar each. There was also a discussion on producing a promotional video and also a Bicentennial banner for the downtown light poles.
The meeting then adjourned.