Hope Lions Club Auction
The Hope Lions Club held its 69th annual Christmas Auction November 30th through December 1st. This year’s event brought hundreds of folks out to bid on hundreds, maybe thousands of items. The auction dates back to 1950 when it was first organized at the suggestion of Lion (and former Bobcat Coach) Foy Hammons. The first auction brought in $800 to purchase Christmas baskets for needy persons. This year’s auction was one of the top 5 in the nearly 70 year history and proceeds will go towards 125 Christmas food baskets to be dsitributed to needy Hempstead County families. Applications for the food baskets are available at the Chamber office at Main & 2nd, the school administration building, and the Hope Police Department. They should be turned in as soon as possible as the baskets will be distributed earlier this year than usual as Christmas Eve falls on the normal distribution day.
The Hope Evening Lions provided a concession stand with homemade food items and the concession stand did big business.
The Lions Club thanks everyone who bid and donated and made this year’s auction a big success!