Cow Show

HOPE- It was a cold, soggy Saturday afternoon in Fair Park, but that didn’t dim the enthusiasm of the Southwest Arkansas Livestock Events Kickoff Classic. Participants ages 0-21 all seemed very ready for the uncooperative climate, and if anything, appeared to be all the more driven and invested in the event. Attendance boasted 60 contestants and over 100 head of cattle, starting off the S.A.L.E. 2019 series with a bang.
Outside the Coliseum Arena, contestants huddled in the open barns, taking shelter from the steady drizzle while brushing and drying off their livestock, the whole area constantly humming with the sound of the vacuum-cleaner sized cow blowers. Inside the Arena, white clouds of breath filled the frigid air as contestant and cow alike waited nervously for their names to be called. There was a charge of energy throughout the arena, the sounds of chatter, laughter, and over it all, the judges calling their decisions filling the large metal chamber. In the stands, small clusters of tightly-bundled individuals tried to recline on the concrete steps while waiting eagerly for results. All entry fee money went towards the children’s and young adults’ prizes, including (but not limited to) $163.20 Jackpot for Champion Bull, a $153.60 Jackpot for Champion Steer, and an impressive $254.00 Jackpot for Supreme Heifer.
The next event of the series will be on February 23, 2019, also at the Fair Park Coliseum Arena. If you would like to enter, or just want to stay up-to-date on Southwest Arkansas Livestock Events, visit the Southwest Arkansas Livestock Events (S.A.L.E.) Facebook page.