Theft rampant at Chamber Christmas party
PRESCOTT – It was “steal from Jamie” day at the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce’s annual Christmas party Wednesday afternoon at the Nevada County Library.
The thefts came via the Dirty Santa game played, with several people apparently liking what Hillery had selected more than they liked taking a chance on getting something else. The party began with Hillery, the Chamber’s executive director, thanking everyone for the work they’ve done this year with and for the Chamber. Almost all of the board members were on hand, and gifts were placed in the chairs at each table for the guests to take home with them.
Lunch was homemade lasagna, salad and desserts, with no one going away hungry.
Hillery said the events the Chamber hosts bring joy to the children of the community and help out in other ways as well.
From there, the Dirty Santa game was on, with theft running rampant as gifts were “stolen” on a regular basis. Yet it was all in fun and everyone enjoyed themselves.