Hope City Board Meeting

The Hope City Board met Tuesday December 17th. The meeting kicked off with a presentation from the Hempstead County Economic Development Corporation. The EDC presented the city with a check for $100,000. This contribution was their promised part of the rail spur renovation. Steve Harris, Dr. Lester Sitzes, Steve Lance, Gary Chambless,and Mark Ross represented the EDC.

The board looked at rezoning some property at 2802 North Hazel. A new diesel repair and wrecker service operated by Jay Spoo petitioned to have the property rezoned from I-1 (Heavy Industrial) to C-2 (Commercial). The Planning and Zoning Commission has approved the rezoning. The board did also.

The board looked at a Citizen Participation plan for a ACEDP Grant to benefit New Millennium. The plan deals with posting and publishing of grant notices, public hearings, and other issues. The plan was approved.

The board considered a budget resolution for the proposed $12,414,077 budget. Director Mark Ross asked for a line item in the future on income from special events held at the Hope Airport. Vice-Mayor Don Still also they suggested they revisit the special event fee structure. Ross also asked about how rental fees for the coliseum are broken down. The board then voted to approve the budget resolution.

The board changed their meeting date away from January 1st. City Manager Catherine Cook gave an update on the construction of the downtown pavilion, the rail spur project, the airport drainage the wastewater project, and the outdoor recreation grant. Cook noted the street paving is finished. She also noted clean up continues on the areas hit by the tornado. Cook said the next street project will be crack sealing. Mayor Steve Montgomery asked about 6th Street and Cook explained the wastewater work is done there and Centerpoint Energy needs to relocate some lines before more can be done. Director Mark Ross asked about personnel in the police and fire departments. It was noted both are down one officer. The meeting then adjourned.