Prescott Gets Great News

Nevada County will be getting up to 25 new jobs with the leasing of part of the former Potlatch property on US 371. According to Mary Godwin, Executive Director of Prescott Economic Development, Redstone Construction of Little Rock will be leasing part of the former wood products plant for their “lay down” yard. Godwin says the company will be using the area for temporary office space and storage for materials. The company was recently awarded the contract to redo a portion of I-30 from the Prescott area to the interstate rest area in Clark County. The job is to begin February 11th with a 18 to 24 month completion time. Godwin says the company is expected to hire 20 to 25 people locally to work on the project., In addition, Godwin says the company is expected to be hiring dump trucks and semis to haul material Altogether the project involves work on 20 miles of road each way for a total of 40 miles of road work
Redstone says many of their employees will be looking for RV space as a number of them live in campers while on a project. Anyone with information on available RV space to rent can contact the Economic Development office at 887-6208.
Godwin says plans are to have a job fair for Redstone in January. She says further details will be released on the job fair soon.