Cole’s Nevada fourth grade letters to Santa
ROSSTON – These are the letters to Santa from Cole’s fourth grade class at Nevada Elementary School.
Dear Santa,
I want you to know I have been very good this year. I hope you are doing good. Tell everyone at the North Pole hello for me. I want a laptop, Play-doh, cowgirl boots size 5, and an I-Phone six Plus. I want a basketball, for wheeler, a purple bike, hoverboard, Nike shirt and sweat pants, Nike shoes. I also would like a bucket of slime. Last thing I want is a remote control car.
Zyirhun Vines
Dear Santa,
I am so happy it is almost Christmas time again. I hope you are all rested up and had a good year, How is all the elves and reindeer? Here is my Christmas list. I want a hover board, Nintendo switch, Iphone,, PS4, block back bb gun, four wheeler, Canada goose call and decoys, and PS4 headphones. I would love a 22 long rifle. I hope I can get most of this stuff if I don’t want to be sad. Oh, I almost forgot a wood duck call and decoys. Also a nerf gun would be awesome! Thanks for making so many kids happy at Christmas. I hope you have a safe flight with you and your reindeer.
Caleb Reyer
Dear Santa,
I have been so good this year. How is your family? I bet it’s really cold at the North Pole! I would love to come visit! I understand that you know everything so I probably don’t need to tell you whant I want this Christmas right? But just in case I thought I better send you a list. I whant a new i-phone most of all. I also whant a hover board four wheeler new bike new pet rat PS4 head phones and a new controller for my PS4 oh I almost forgot I also would love a new X Box 1 I whant a new snack too I whant a guina pig. I will leave out some awesome snacks my mom makes with some milk of course and how about a few carrots for your reindeer.
Zandin Griffit
Dear Santa,
My name is Alyssa. I hope that you are rested up from delivering presents last year. I want you to know that I have been very good this year. This year I would really like a phone, tablet, computer. If you have lots of animals at the North Pole I would love a pet rabbit, kitten, guina pig and a horse. I really hope to have a great Christmas with my family and not get into any trouble. I want some head phones, hunting uniform and a gun! I love to hunt. Do you I really want Jesus to have a great birthday too. If I get a lot of internet I would be so happy. Last things are a hover borad, surprise ball, and a lot of candy. One last thing is an X-boxone. Thank you for all of the great presents that you gave me last year. Please say hello to the raindeer. I love to watch the Christmas movies that have all of them flying around.
The end,
Alyssa Collins
Dear Santa,
Hello, my name is Cameron. I bet you already knew that though. I have been good this year. How much snow is there at the North Pole? I wish I cloud see it in real life. This Christmas I want a BB gun, a 243 rifle and a new multi-tool. Also a toy four wheeler, three wheeler and a toy semi with the trailer. I want a Ford jacked up pick up truck a toy dirt bike and to go with the truck. Also want a camper and water proof boots. Last thing on the list is winter boots. Thanks for everything you give me last Christmas. I can’t wait to see what you leave me this year.
Cameron Gray
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I am doing good. My mom says that I have really been extra good and she likes when I am good. How’s Mrs. Clause, and the reindeer. Santa all I would like for Christmas is a phone, lots of clothes for my Barbie’s I also need some more Barbie’s and Kens. I really want clothes and books for me too. Santa I promise to keep being good. I hope you can bring me all of that stuff. I have a nice family too and I hope you bring them stuff too.
Makayla Collins
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a Merry Christmas this year. I wish I could come to the North Pole to visit you. Can I?
This year I really would like to get a PS4 with fortnite on it. I want to have wi-fi too. I also need some 22 bullets. I think I have been super good, so if you want to give me a mountain of gold and some diamonds I would be so happy. Please say hello to everyone at the north pole.
Brandon Wilson
Dear Santa,
My name is Alan Duane. I am a good kid. I do really good in school. I hope you are doing good. I would realy like to see you this year. I have a long list, but only because I’ve been super good. I would love a punching bag, boxing gloves, guinea pig, xbox1, and a play station. I also love giant robots. On my list is also is a laser gun, tablet, an I-phone, bow and arrow, computer and a shark tooth. I like ninja stuff too, so that would be cool. If you could give me super powers I would be so happy. Also a dinosaur bone and tooth. I hope you can bring me the things I wish for this year. I will leave you lots of goodies to eat. Do the reindeer like snaks too?
Alan Duane Smith
Dear Santa,
I have been very very good this year. My name is Reese. How is Mrs. Clause doing? I can’t wait for Christmas. It’s so exciting. My list might sound a little long, but I just cant decide. I want an I-phone 6 plus, new games for my Xbox and some book. I would like a LOL surprise doll, a lap top and hatchima. If you can I also want new clothes, bean bag chair, large beanie boo and a Christmas tree of course! Last of all a kitten that is it. Merry Christmas Santa. Christmas is so much fun. Please come see me.
Reese Hughey
Dear Santa,
My name is Ashlynn. I have been good this year. Are you getting ready for Christmas? I bet the elves are all super busy.
For Christmas I would like a hoverboard, lipstick, dress, computer, girl kgos, the book Took, and I also want a kitten, but bring it in a box with holes in the top of it, and in the box put food and water. I also want a puppy in a box with some food and water. I also want an Xbox One so will you please bring me all that stuff? What do you want for Christmas? Does Mrs. Clause give you presents? I can’t wait to see what’s under my Christmas tree.
Ashlyn Debach
Dear Santa,
Hello how are you? I am doing great. I have been so good this year. Did you like the cookies I left last year? If so I will leav some more out for you. My Chrismtas list is not vear. The most important thang on my list is that I want a happy family. However I wouldn’t mind getting an I-phone, tablet and cute new clothes. Also would love a hatchable. Tell Mrs. Clause I said hello. What is your favorite Dessert? I will try to leave some out for you.
Yasmine Harris
Dear Santa,
My name is Colin and I have been having a good year. I can’t wait for Christmas to come. My list this year really isn’t that long. I really hope you can bring me a dirt bike. That is my number one wish. Also I would like to have airsoft gear and a new pro-scooter. If it would fit in your sleigh a four wheeler would make me happy. One last thing I need some bbs too. Thank you so much for Christmas last year too. I can’t wait to see wait to see what you bring me. I will be watching for you.
Colin Nelson
Dear Santa,
I have tried to be good Santa, but boys will be boys. Just kidding! I have been super good this year. I make good grades at school too. How are you doing. All I want for Christmas is a TV, PS4, fortnite, 2 controllers, a girl elf, Go cart Nintendo switch, Mario onstay, hover board, airsoft gear, 2 airsoft guns, tablet and a pet rabbit. The last thing I want for Christmas is to get to see my favorite youtuber Ninja and go on a tour with him and play fortnite together. That is all I want this year. I want to thank you for always making me and my family happy at Christmas. I will leave you out some cookies and milk.
Efryn McKinnon
Dear Santa,
How are you. How old are you. I’m 9 are you? Do you have many deer with red nose? I live in Rosston. I am in the 4th grade. I have been a good boy this year. I have thought hard about what I want this year. Here is my list. It’s kind of long I want an I-pone six, Nurt gun, a 6,000 dollars, hot wheels, and 200 dollars. I relly want a cat too. Can you fit a new basketball goal and a hoverboard on your sleigh. I would live that. Oh, and my brother wants an Iphone too I alwo want an fast and firist remot control.
Chestaleon Rayshon Mixon
Dear Santa,
I hope the North Pole is getting lots of snow. How have you been all year? Can you tell the reindeer hello from me. I have so good this year, I hope you know that. My name is Jerry. But I go by JD. This is what I want for Christmas this year. I want for my class not to talk and gum for them, and a new Xbox. I would love old west boots, bluejeans, new shirts, a cowboy hat and knife. I t would be great if inside the pair of boots you leave me flash drives and nerf guns whith gear, and for my dog please bring a bone. Also tools for the shop, games for the Xbox and I love Coke too. Last thing I want is a model cars and fix race car. Please bring me a RC truck and parts. Thank you for reading my letter. I hope you bring me all my wishes.
Jerry Barnes.