Weather Status

Everyone says this has been a wet winter and indeed 2018 finished with several inches of rain over normal; however, the statistics for 2019 are a little different. As of February 12th, 2.28 inches of rain was received for the month. The monthly average is 4.51 which means we still lack 2.23 inches for the month (although rain is in the forecast for several of the next seven days). So far, Hope has received 7.15 inches for the year. The normal amount for the first two months of the year is 8.66 inches.
The temperatures have been all over the place for the first twelve days of February. The low so far this month came on February 8th with 21 degrees. Four days have posted temperatures in the 20’s, one day had a low in the 30’s, five days posted lows in the 40’s, three days had lows in the 60’s, and one day posted a low at 70! The high temperature this month was 77 on February 5th.