Hope School Board Meeting
The Hope School Board met Monday February 18th. Board Vice-President Jesus Coronado presided over the meeting.
Dr. Bobby Hart presented his report. He noted enrollment is 2,237 students. He noted the Bicentennial Committee had thanked the district for the music provided by the Beryl Henry Choir under the direction of Sandra Jones at the Bicentennial event held downtown on December 15th. Dr. Hart noted the Hope High Robotics team placed in the top 5 in the state tournament. He noted Senior Corey Muldrew set the state record for the state indoor 60 meter at 7 seconds flat. Dr. Hart noted the district food pantry is catching on and they had some backpacks filled with food to be distributed to students. Also noted was the Parent Ambassadors meeting March 7th at 6PM at Hope High and EAST night is set for February 25th at 6pm. Dr. Hart told the board they had reports from school improvement specialist Carla Narlesky as she is out for a few weeks.
Gretchen Carlton gave an update on the status of the School Based Health Unit. She noted they have received grants totaling $6,395 from Delta Dental, Lowe’s,and Arkansas Blue Cross. She noted partnerships with Pafford and Adapt Pharma for the School Based Health Unit. Adapt Pharma is providing two free doses of Narcan to counteract opioid overdoses. Carlton also noted the clinic has “active” status with the State Department of Health.
The board approved several Arkansas School Board Association policy updates.
Dr. Hart reminded the board of the program Thursday at 6pm at Hope High on the integration of Hope High fifty years ago. The public is invited.
The board made some changes to the job description for the Collegiate and Professions Academy Director’s job. Changes include requiring a teaching license and making the contract 240 days.
The board looked at an A.L.E. agreement with Prescott. Dr. Hart also gave details on the UAHT Secondary and Technical Center. The college recently took over this program from Arkansas High in Texarkana.
The board approved some updates to the facilities Master plan updates including some requested funds from the state to go towards redoing the Hope High roof. Board Member Viney Johnson asked what the hold-up was on the Clinton Primary parking lot. Dr. Hart noted they need some dry weather to get asphalt down.
The board approved the purchase of some ESL supplies for just over$30,000.
The board approved facilities rental requests from the Brotherhood of Fulton for a fundraising basketball game March 9th and a request for facilities for the Yerger reunion for July 3rd through 6th. The board turned down a request from the Ark-La -Tex Gladiators to use the football stadium.
Jeff Madlock presented the board with a plan to spend some funds for the E-Rate Contract.
The board looked at four bids on lawn service. The current contractor is Stroud and they bid $56,260. The low bid was from Justin’s Lawn Service at $42,000. The board voted to accept the bid from Justin’s Lawn Service.
Under personnel the board voted to extend the Superintendent’s contract for a year. This means Dr. Hart will have a three year contract.
The board approved resignations from Summer King and Gladys Leeper. The board voted to hire Samuel Edwards as a bus driver.
The meeting then adjourned.