Three Angels Ministries invites you to Friends and Family Day

Three Angels Ministries is a Seventh Day Adventist Movement. We are a Bible believing church, proclaiming God’s prophetic word to the people. You are invited to come and worship with us in our new church home on Saturday Sabbath March 2,2019 as we have Friends and Family Day. We start at 9:30am with Sabbath School, followed at 11:00am with Divine Worship. There will be a church wide fellowship meal following morning services.

Three Angels Ministries began as a tent revival about six years ago by our former Pastor the late Clarence Redic, and our Elder’s: Larry Redic and Teddy Boykin, among others. From the start with the tent revival the message was carried out in Bible Lessons and weekly services. The church movement continued and a building was rented, Bible Lessons and weekly services continued on Saturday Sabbath and the church grew. Through God’s provision a Church has been obtained and we invite you to come worship with us in our new church facility.