Master Gardeners Hosts Chamber Coffee

HOPE- The Hope Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce held a community coffee at the Chamber office on Wednesday, March 6. The Hempstead County Master Gardeners hosted the coffee.  The Master Gardeners will be holding their Spring Seminar on March 25 from 6:00pm until 8:00pm at Hempstead Hall. It is $15 for early registration and will be $20 to register at the door. Please contact the Hempstead County Extension Office at 870-777-5771 to RSVP the event. During the seminar they will discuss topics including, Unusual fruit for the backyard and raised beds for all seasons. Local vendors such as 5 Trials Nursery, Erwin Soaps, County 76, Razorback Jacks, and many more will be set up so make sure to arrive early to see what all they have to offer!