Tax collections up

PRESCOTT – Tax collections are up in both Prescott and Nevada County for the first two months of the year.

According to sales tax information, provided by the Prescott-Nevada County Economic Development Office (EDO), $134,509.96 has been collected in Prescott for January and February. For the same period in 2019, the figure was $102,221.09. For the county, the first two months of 2019 have seen $336,638.69 collected, compared to $256,787.59 in 2018.

The bulk of the tax is generated mostly by gas stations, auto repair, building material and supply and other, which is less than three businesses.

Electric power generation brought in $8,897 in January and $8,417 in February. Water, sewage and other systems generated $8,563 in January and $8,574 in February. Building materials went form $5,297.16 26 in January to 414,302.02 in February.