Hope Lions Hear From Hope Schools Superintendent
The Hope Lions heard from Hope Schools Superintendent Dr. Bobby Hart on Monday March 25th. Dr. Hart thanked the club for donating to the Hope Schools Food Pantry and also gave an update on the school-based health clinic. He noted old home-ec cottage is currently being refurbished for the health clinic and a grand opening is planned for August 1st.
Dr. Hart talked about the Hope Collegiate and Professions Academy. This program allows qualified tenth graders to enter this academy and earn concurrent college credit while attending high school. The pilot program is underway now in the refurbished Rapert Library complex on the UAHT campus. Students that successfully complete the academy program will graduate Hope high with up to 60 college hours. The program is free to those attending. Dr. Hart noted 60 hours college hours can qualify those students to graduate high school with an Associates Degree from UAHT. He said statistics show students that earn an Associates Degree make on average over $500,000 than those with just a high school diploma over their working life. Dr. Hart also notes those who earn an Associates Degree are much more likely to finish their batchelor’s degree as well.