Still time to get tickets for annual plant show and sale

PRESCOTT – Tickets are still available for the 11th Annual Garden Show and Sale, sponsored by the Nevada County Master Gardeners, will be held Saturday, April 13, at the Stoke’s Center at Central Baptist Church.

As always, there will be a huge plant sale and silent auction of the table-scapes.

This year, Randy Forst will talk about the basic principles of landscape design, starting with the determining the need and desire along with the condition of the site in question. This will help the homeowner organize their space for better placement of hardscapes and plants to create an aesthetically pleasing landscape.

Tana Beasley will also be on hand. She’ll be talking about hummingbirds, how to attract them, their biology, and what happens from egg to their leaving the nest. Beasley will discuss how and why hummingbirds are banded and wintering them in Arkansas.

Tickets to the garden show and sale are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Lunch, provided by the Tri-Service Club, is $8, and will consist of a chicken salad sandwich, chips, fruit, cookie and drink. Lunches much be purchased with advanced registration.

All proceeds from the garden show are used by the Master Gardeners to fund community projects in Nevada County.

Plant and vendor shopping starts at 7:30 a.m.

For more information, or to register, call Betty Jones at 870-887-5312, or email

The schedule is as follows: 7:30 a.m., registration, refreshments, plant sale and vendor shopping; 8:45 a.m. welcome and door prizes; 9-10 a.m. “What’s to love about hummingbirds” by Tana Beasley; 10-10:30 a.m. break, door prizes, plant sale and vendor shopping; 10:30-11 a.m., “Basic Principles of Landscaping” Randy Forst; 11:30-noon, interactive time with the speakers, door prizes and winners of silent auction named; and lunch.