NSB rehires staff
ROSSTON – Rosston’s School Board approved offering contracts to the district’s licensed and classified personnel at its March meeting Thursday night.
The board was informed a high school special education teacher will have to be hired, and the situation with the girls’ basketball coach is up in the air at this time, as she’s out on maternity leave. Superintendent Rick McAfee said he’ll wait and see what she wants to do before making a decision.
He told the board the baseball and softball teams are doing well, each having posted wins prior to the meeting. He reminded the panel testing will be going on the next three-and-a-half to four weeks, saying this will be a difficult time, but the students and teachers have all worked hard.
The basketball team, McAfee said, had a good season and sent the board a thank you card for supporting it.
In discussing the district’s finances, McAfee said the balance has been reduced to the level the state now requires and everything is well within the proposed budget. He added the district has a larger surplus than predicted.
Teachers will be going to professional learning communities (PLCs) this summer. One group will go to Las Vegas, while another will head to Fort Lauderdale. Another trip will see teams going to San Antonio. McAfee pointed out these trips will be paid through Title I and NSL monies and won’t be coming out of the district’s operating fund.
The board also agreed to a three-year contract with the Arkansas School Board Association (ASBA) Model Policy Manual agreement. McAfee said the ASBA keeps up with all legislative changes and updates policies accordingly. This, he added, will keep the district out of legal trouble where policies are concerned. He pointed out districts across the state do this.
The board’s final act of business was to move its April meeting date. The meeting had been scheduled for April 25, which is in conflict with the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber Banquet. Representatives from Nevada will be on hand to present awards to the teacher and student of the year. The board agreed to move its meeting to Monday, April 29, instead.