Hope Chamber Banquet

HOPE- The Hope Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce held their annual Chamber Banquet and Meeting on Saturday, April 6. This years meeting was held at Hempstead Hall and was a sold out event for the banquet. The theme for this years banquet was Press On. The banquet was catered by, Amigo Juan’s Mexican Cafe of Hope.

The banquet and those in attendance received first choice in seating in the Hempstead Hall Auditorium for the Annual Meeting. The doors opened at 5:30 for those with general admission tickets to take their seats, hundreds more filled the seats within the Hempstead Hall auditorium. To start the meeting the Hempstead County Scouts presented the American Flag, and Arnetta Bradford sang the National Anthem. Chamber Director; Beckie Moore and Chamber President, Clay Lance then welcomed guests to Hempstead Hall and thanked everyone for attending.

Clay Lance and Beckie Moore recognized the Chamber Board along with the Chamber Ambassadors who worked throughout the year.

Chris Thomason who was announced as educator of the year in 2018 presented the new Educator of the Year. He stated that this years educator was a member of the Hope School District. He then announced that  Robin Townsend would be the Educator of the Year.

Jerry and Twyla Pruden  received the Citizens of the Year award in 2018 presented the award 2019 Citizen of the Year Award to, Dixie Coffee.  

Wendell McCorkle and Bitsy Carter of Hope Floral and last years business of the year winner presented the 2019 Business of the Year award to LaGrone Williams Hardware. This family run business is located in downtown Hope.

The United Way Awards were presented by Monica Morris.

Dennis Ramsey introduced Mack McLarty and Joe Purvis to the stage. Moore then introduced the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton as this years keynote speaker. Clinton was born in Hope in 1946. He served as Arkansas Attorney General in 1976 then served as Governor of Arkansas in 1978 and regained governorship four years later serving the State of Arkansas until winning the Presidential Election in 1992. Clinton, McLarty, and Purvis all discusses their childhood while in Hope along with various topics of Clinton’s presidency. Lance and Moore then presented President Clinton with a Bowie Knife.

The benediction was by song Press On performed by Rusty Hart.