Livestock report

Hope Livestock Auction, Hope, AR
Weighted Average Report for Thursday Apr 11, 2019

Cattle Receipts:  805          Last week:  939          Last year:  926

   Compared to last week: Feeder steers 3.00-8.00 higher.  Feeder heifers under
500 lbs steady to 3.00 higher, over 500 lbs 2.00-5.00 lower.  Slaughter cows
2.00-3.00 higher.  Slaughter bulls 1.00-3.00 higher.
   Supply included 478 feeder calves, 150 yearlings, 35 replacement cows, 128
slaughter cows; 14 slaughter bulls. Feeder supply consisted of 45 percent
English and English crosses; 35 percent Exotic and Exotic crosses; 20 percent
Brahman and Brahman crosses.  Feeder supply included 50 percent steers and
bulls; 50 percent heifers. Near 12 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs.

Please Note:
The below USDA LPGMN price report is reflective of the majority of classes and
grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances where some sales
do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will not be included in the
report.  Prices are reported on a per cwt basis, unless otherwise noted.

Feeder Steers                Medium and Large 1
 Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price
    8    300-340    319    201.00-215.00     208.53
   13    355-395    378    185.00-210.00     193.69
   18    400-445    424    175.00-190.00     180.84
   14    450-485    466    170.00-185.00     177.50
   14    500-545    528    165.00-175.00     171.29
   11    550-595    573    153.00-165.00     156.36
    5    605-635    619    146.00-155.00     151.62
    5    650-665    654    145.00-153.00     149.21
                             Medium and Large 2
    2    325-330    328    170.00-175.00     172.52
    7    355-390    377    160.00-170.00     163.57
    7    400-445    424    150.00-160.00     156.43
    4    465-485    473    150.00-155.00     151.97
    1    530-530    530       140.00         140.00

Feeder Heifers                Medium and Large 1
 Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price
   16    300-345    322    159.00-175.00     165.01
   14    350-395    375    155.00-167.00     160.00
   17    405-445    426    155.00-165.00     159.35
    7    470-495    481    150.00-160.00     156.59
   14    500-545    523    140.00-152.00     146.22
   14    555-590    574    135.00-145.00     139.56
    7    610-635    622    125.00-132.00     128.70
    3    670-695    683    125.00-129.00     127.32
    2    700-710    705    115.00-119.00     117.01
                             Medium and Large 2
    2    300-300    300    140.00-145.00     142.50
    3    350-380    368    140.00-144.00     141.27
    3    405-445    425    130.00-135.00     133.41
    3    460-485    468    130.00-135.00     133.36
    1    555-555    555       120.00         120.00

Feeder Bulls                Medium and Large 1
 Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price
    6    460-490    477    159.00-165.00     162.97
    2    500-545    523    150.00-155.00     152.61
    3    555-585    572    140.00-148.00     144.41
    2    600-605    603    138.00-140.00     139.00
    2    650-690    670       135.00         135.00

   Replacement Cows: Pre-tested for bangs; pregnancy; and age.
 Medium and Large 1-2:
   Age            Weight    Months Bred           Price
2-6 year old     950-1270   second & third stage  80.00-121.00
7-10 year old    900-1175   second & third stage  60.00-70.00
3-5 year old     800-1000   open grazing cows     60.00-80.00

   Cow-Calf Pairs: 
 Medium and Large 1-2:
   Age         Cow Weight   Calf Wt      Price 
2-6 year old    900-1250    100-200      1150.00-1575.00 per pair
7-10 year old   900-1175    100-200      800.00-1050.00 per pair

   Slaughter Cows:  
          %Lean    Weight    Average Dress  High Dress     Low Dress
Breakers  75-80%  1200-1450  45.00-50.00
Boners    80-85%   950-1300  47.00-56.00    59.00          40.00-44.00
Lean      85-90%   900-1100  40.00-47.00 
Light     85-92%   700-950   30.00-37.00                     

   Slaughter Bulls: 
            Weight   Average Dress    High Dress      Low Dress
Y.G. 1-2  1000-2100  75.00-81.00                      60.00-69.00

Source:  AR Ag Department - USDA Market News, Little Rock, AR
         Jeff Milam, Market Reporter, 501-823-1743
         24 Hour Market Report, 501-823-1728