Operation Christmas underway
Dear Citizens and Business Leaders,
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in our 2nd annual Operation Christmas and Shop with a Deputy Program. Due to your Generous support. Operation Christmas was an enormous success surpassing last year’s program.
Our goal for 2018 was to raise $15,000.00 dollars and help at least 100 children with Christmas. Because of support from the citizens of Hempstead County, we raised over $19,500.00 and were able to provide 221 kids in Hempstead County with an opportunity to shop for presents and see a side of Law Enforcement, First Responders, an EMS personnel they rarely get to see.
Deputies from HCSO, Nevada County, Game and Fish, Hope P.D., Pafford EMS, Union Pacific Rail Road Police, Wives of Deputies and police officers joined in to take the children shopping for Christmas.
This event could not have happened if the Citizens and Business leaders of this County had not given of their time and money to make this year’s OPERATION CHRISTMAS a Major Success.
I would like to thank Hope Wal Mart Employees and the Wal Mart Foundation for their continued support for our project. Employees of Wal Mart provided Christmas Cookies and Milk for the Children, helped wrap presents and assisted in taking kids shopping.
Wal Mart of Hope and the Wal Mart foundation has already given the program a $4,000.00 grant to help get us started for this year’s Operation Christmas. Also, thanks to Ben and Jamie Gresham of Pafford Medical Service for their generous donation and allowing their Paramedics, and office personnel assist with the children.
The time has come to start working on the 2019 Operation Christmas program, Deputy Rebecca Billings will be calling upon all the sponsors who helped with the Day Planner and plans are being made for this years Ranch Rodeo at the District fair, and other events to raise funds to make sure Children in Hempstead County have a good Christmas. If anyone would like to Donate to the 2019 Operation Christmas you may mail or come by the Sheriff’s office with your donation. Please make Checks out to HCSO Operation Christmas. Our Mailing Address is 312 South Washington Hope, Arkansas 71801.
Sheriff James Singleton